K Luize
Ku-ku, Adazhio, ku-ku
Dobroe utro, Lu!
Pesenka v ramke
Listok iz alboma
S novym vekom, g-n Beethoven!
Sonet fa minor
Babochki na kolokolchikakh
Zolotaja dudochka...
ЛОШАДКА. Музыка А. Филиппенко, слова Т. Волгиной
ПТИЧКА. Музыка Т. Попатенко, слова Н. Найденовой
БОБИК. Музыка Т. Попатенко, слова Н. Найденовой
ПОДАРОК МАМЕ. Музыка А. Филиппенко,...
Ljudvig van Beethoven (1770-1827) - velikij nemetskij kompozitor, pianist, dirizher. Poslednij venskij klassik, avtor vsemirno izvestnykh simfonij, kontsertov, opery "Fidelio", kvartetov i mnozhestva drugikh...
Ljudvig van Beethoven (1770-1827) - velikij nemetskij kompozitor, pianist, dirizher. Poslednij venskij klassik, avtor vsemirno izvestnykh simfonij, kontsertov, opery "Fidelio", kvartetov i mnozhestva drugikh...
КЮИ Цезарь Антонович (1835-1918) - замечательный русский композитор и музыкальный критик, инженер-генерал родился 6 (18) января 1835 года в Вильно (ныне Вильнюс, Литва). Его мать, Юлия Гуцевич, была литовкой,...
The Compozitor Publishing House * St Petersburg calls your attention to the vocalises by the Italian composers and vocal teachers of the XVII - the beginning of the XVIII centuries.
These distinguished...
The Compozitor Publishing House * St Petersburg calls your attention to the "Vocalises for Soprano and Mezzo-soprano" by the famous Italian composer and pedagogue Giuseppe Concone (1801-1861).
В. Kaempfert. Strangers in the Night
B. Ram, E. Rand. Only You
D. Tiomkin. The Green Leaves of Summer
J. Strauss. Anna-polka
A. Ekimyan. Wider be the Circle
L. Desormes. Returning From...
F. Kuhlau. Variations G major
G.F. Handel. Chaconne
I. Haydn. Arietta with Variations
W. A. Mozart. Variations to Allegretto F major
L. van Beethoven. Six Light Variations to the Swiss...
This issue is a part of the supposed selected piano works edition of the great German composer Johannes Brams (1833-1897) that is to comprise his most significant pieces for piano solo.
It is based on...
J. S. Bach. Saraband
A. Vivaldi. Larghetto
К. Weber. Rondo
J. Brahms. Contemplation
C. Debussy. The Faun's Midday Rest
С Debussy. Doll's Cakewalk
I. Albeniz. Sevilla
L. Godovsky. Old Vienna
Work on the performance of transcriptions of works by classical composers
Features of the performance of works based on folklore sources
D. Scarlatti. SONATA....
Серию "Золотой репертуар тромбониста" подготовил к изданию Виктор Венгловский, член Международной ассоциации тромбонистов, профессор Санкт-Петербургской консерватории, в прошлом солист симфонического оркестра...
The famous four concertos were first published in 1725 as part of a set of twelve, Vivaldi's Op. 8, entitled Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione (The Contest of Harmony and Invention) where they...
Novaja tekstologicheskaja redaktsija sonat, osnovannaja na izuchenii avtografov i kopij. Notnyj tekst soprovozhdaetsja kommentarijami, svedenijami ob istochnikakh i novejshikh dostizhenijakh sovremennogo...
Carl Czerny (1791 - 1857) was an Austrian pianist, composer and teacher. He is best remembered today for his books of etudes for the piano. Czerny's music was profoundly influenced by his teachers, Muzio...
Новая текстологическая редакция сонат, основанная на изучении автографов и копий. Нотный текст сопровождается комментариями, сведениями об источниках и новейших достижениях современного баховедения. В...
"The Art of the Bow, or 50 Variations on the Theme by Corelli's gavotte" by Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770) was written in 1720. This work is the most comprehensive collection of the bowing technique of the...
Carl Czerny (1791 - 1857) was an Austrian pianist, composer and teacher. He is best remembered today for his books of etudes for the piano. Czerny's music was profoundly influenced by his teachers, Muzio...
Муцио Клементи (1752-1832) - выдающийся английский композитор, пианист, педагог, итальянец по происхождению. Работал во многих странах, в том числе и в России. Среди его учеников Ф. Калькбреннер, И. Крамер,...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
Carl Czerny (1791 - 1857) was an Austrian pianist, composer and teacher. He is best remembered today for his books of etudes for the piano. Czerny's music was profoundly influenced by his teachers, Muzio...
Carl Czerny (1791 - 1857) was an Austrian pianist, composer and teacher. He is best remembered today for his books of etudes for the piano. Czerny's music was profoundly influenced by his teachers, Muzio...
In his later period, Johannes Brahms wrote a number of miniature piano pieces: Eight Pieces, op. 76 (1871-1878), Two Rhapsodies, op. 79 (1879), four collections, op. 116, 117, 118, 119 (1892-93). It is...
Carl Czerny (1791 - 1857) was an Austrian pianist, composer and teacher. He is best remembered today for his books of etudes for the piano. Czerny's music was profoundly influenced by his teachers, Muzio...
V nastojaschem izdanii predstavleny tri populjarnejshikh originalnykh sochinenija vydajuschegosja russkogo kompozitora P. I. Chajkovskogo (1840-1893) dlja skripki s fortepiano. Eti pesy prochno voshli...
Французский скрипач и композитор Жак-Фереоль Мазас (1782-1849), создатель опер и камерно-инструментальных сочинений, концертмейстер оркестра Итальянской оперы в Париже, остался в истории как автор инструктивных...
Замечательное творение гениального русского композитора Модеста Петровича Мусоргского (1839-1881) навеяно выставкой произведений художника В. А. Гартмана. В основу настоящей редакции положен текст издания...
"From all the life enjoyments the music gives in only to the love..." - "Again, but the music, what a nuisance!" However, there lies the precipice between these two exclamations. Those who listen and enjoy...
The series "The Trumpeter's Golden Repertoire" is edited by Veniamin Margolin, the professor of the St. Petersburg Conservatoire and former soloist of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic under Yevgeny Mra...
Ob Oskare Ridinge, kak kompozitore, chja tvorcheskaja dejatelnost prokhodila na rubezhe XIX i XX stoletij, pochti nichego ne izvestno. Emu prinadlezhit rjad sochinenij dlja skripki, sredi kotorykh vydeljaetsja...
Роберт Шуман (1810-1856) - великий немецкий композитор, дирижер, музыкальный критик, педагог. Один из крупнейших композиторов-романтиков, автор четырех симфоний, нескольких концертов, множества камерных...
Иоганн Иоахим Кванц (1697-1773) - немецкий флейтист и композитор, заложивший основы техники игры на флейте. Представленные в настоящем издании 3 пьесы, написаны специально для дуэта флейт, по праву могут...
Yuri FALIK (1936-2009) was the disciple of the acknowledged Stolyarsky music school in Odessa. Studying in the Leningrad conservatoire he acquired two specialities: cello (prof. A. Strimer) and composition...
Georgy Ivanovich Strautman is the conductor of the stage band of the Mariinsky Theatre. Formerly he was а soloist of the orchestra of the theatre.
During all his artistic life Mr Strautman has...