Adventures of the bilingual boy Nikolas who flew to Moscow from Dallas to see his Russian grandparents and to learn to speak Russian...
Invitation to Russia. Workbook. Part 1. (Including CD)
Priglashenije v Rossiju: it's a series of text books and exercises:
There are two text books (+CD) and two exercise books (+CD). Each one of them...
This book presents texts of various genres: literature texts, biography texts, historical, scientific texts as well as fairy tales and jokes. The book is funny and interesting. It gives much information...
This book presents the beautiful and touching story of an elephant from the circus who cures a girl suffering from a terrible illness. The text has been adapted for readers with an A2 level...
This is a communicative Russian course for English speaking adults at the very beginning of their learning.
The Student's book with audio CD, the Workbook and the Teacher's book with CD are sold separately....
This complex includes a manual and a CD which are closely connected in the structure and the topics.
The manual informs about the important events in the Russian history and about the life of some famous...
Книга включает в адаптированном виде одно из лучших произведений русской литературы XIX века. Тексты глав снабжены необходимыми комментариями и сносками. В каждом уроке есть грамматические и лексические...
Russian verbal prefixes. Practical course. Advanced level.
The present practical course is designed to deepen and activate the mastery of prefixed verbs. The material target students of various backgrounds,...
Пособие по грамматике, рассчитанное на англоговорящих студентов и стажёров продвинутого уровня владения языком (В2), содержит коммуникативные и творческие задания по морфологии и синтаксису русского языка....
"Diary of fox mickey" by Sasha Chyorny a reading book with assignments cool reading series
A novel ''Diary of fox Mickey" by a famous Russian writer of the beginning of 20th century Sasha Chyorny is presented...
Funny pictures stories.
The present manual is designed for students who learn Russian as a foreign language. The main aim of the course is the development of oral speech skills and acquirement of the...
The files of the CD open in PowerPoint.
Uchebnyj kompleks, kotoryj sostoit iz knigi i multimedijnogo diska, priglashaet v uvlekatelnoe puteshestvie po prostoram Rossii. V uchebnom posobii 37 tematicheskikh...
Tämä kokoelma auttaa kehittämään puhetta ja sosiokulttuurista kompetenssia.
B1 -taso.
Kokoelma sisältää: Tekstikirjan (sis. CD-MP3), Työkirjan ja Koetehtävät
Missä menee raja tarun ja todellisuuden välillä venäläisessä luonteessa? Millainen on venäläinen ihminen omassa kodissaan? Näihin ja moniin muihin kysymyksiin vastaus löytyy tästä oppikirjasta.
The present book is designed for the foreign students who begin to learn Russian. These are 10 intensive lessons of Russian. The whole course is intended to be learned in 10 days.
The lexical and grammatical...
The present reading book is designed for foreign students of advanced level. It is aimed at the development of the reading skills as well as skills of comprehension and analysis of the original texts in...
Reflexive verbs in Russian/ Their description and use.
This grammar book presents the main semantic groups of the Russian reflexive verbs which is one of the most difficult themes for those who learn...
This reader presents comic stories by the famous Russian writer Anton Chekhov, including "Moi Zheny" (My Wives), "Radost" (Joy), "Smert Chinovnika" (The Death of a Government Clerk), "S Zhenoj Possorilsja"...
The manual is dedicated to the linguistic fundaments of teaching Russian pronunciation. It is designed for students learning Russian as foreign.
The book presents detailed description of Russian vocal...
The main purpose of the book is to minimize student's accent.
The training course is designed for students of different nationalities who can speak Russian on A1-A2 levels.
There is a CD attached
This book presents famous 'Stories about love' by the famous Russian writer Anton Chekhov.
The text is adapted for learners working at B1 level and is accompanied by commentaries, exercises to check understanding...
Matrjoshka (Maatuska)
Oppikirja on tarkoitettu venäjän kielen opiskelua aloitteleville (A1 taso). Kirja sisältää lukemisen, kirjoittamisen ja kieliopin perussääntöjä sekä aiheita ja keskustelutilanteita.
Книга для чтения является компонентом впервые разработанного по оригинальной авторской методике национально ориентированного учебного комплекса "Хочу говорить по-русски" для обучения русскому языку билингвальных...
Словарь содержит около 5 600 терминов по робототехническим комплексам и гибким автоматизированным системам, конструкции и применению роботов, системам ЧПУ, микропроцессорным системам управления. Словарь...
Словарь содержит около 50000 терминов и терминологических сочетаний по следующим отраслям права: государственное, административное, гражданское и торговое, угловное, международное публичное, международное...
Русско-английский словарь содержит около 25 тыс. слов и 60 тыс. значений слов современного русского языка. В словаре даны некоторые употребительные словосочетания. Большое внимание уделено русским омонимам...
Словарь содержит около 35000 слов, в том числе слов, образованных от заглавных и помещенных в той же словарной статье. Слова, значения слов и устойчивые сочетания снабжены краткими толкованиями и иллюстрациями...