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Top science and technology. Adventures, inventions and patents. The history of technology, futurizm and fantasy. Weapons, fighting mobile, computers. Homemaking and models. Fantastic projects and hypothesis. The anthology of mysterious cases. The enigma of lost civilizations. Phenomenons.
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Informatsionnyj nauchno-tehnicheskij zhurnal. Tsel izdanija - rasprostranenie otechestvennoj i zarubezhnoj informatsii o novyh tehnologijah, oborudovanii v proizvodstve betona.
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Zhurnal posvjashchen tehnologijam, fundamentalnym i prikladnym problemam neftegazovogo kompleksa, analizu sostojanija i perspektiv razvitija otechestvennogo i mirovogo TEK, materialam neftegazovyh kongressov i vystavok.
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Information about production of metals and non-metal materials used in modern equipment; statistics about Russian and foreign materials, equipment, tools; automation of production processes; safety procedures; ecology.
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Razrabotka, marketing i ekspertiza proekta, proektnoe finansirovanie, upravlenie resursami i komandoj proekta, menedzhment kachestva proekta, zavershenie proekta.
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Sluzhba personala, sozdanie komandy i navyki komandnogo vzaimodejstvija, otsenka i podbor personala, razvitie karery, obuchenie personala, treningi, kouching, kadrovyj audit.
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Vedushchij zhurnal organizatsii sbyta i prodazh: postroenie sluzhby sbyta na predprijatii, analiz pribylnosti kanalov sbyta, tehnika prodazh, vedenie klientskoj bazy.
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The journal for teachers and professors of all types and levels of educational organizations. New experience, methodics and technologies.
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The journal intended for the specialists in the physics of combustion, explosion and related fields of science and engineering. The papers published in the journal are concerned with methods of producing new materials by the SHS-method.
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The journal publishes reports: rock mechanics distruction; dustruction of rocks; mechanization and automation in mining; open and underground mining; mine aerodinamics; physical foundation of beneficiation.
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The journal publishes reports in the following areas: analysis of philosophical, methodological and logical problems of contemporary natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology) and mathematics.
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Magazine for industrial production workers, research and design institutes, high and higher school students bringing technical information, analysis, teaching and production methods.
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The principal aim of this journal is to integrate all aspects of chemical research on the basis of new economically acceptable processes, making possible harmonious relations between the chemical industry and the environment.
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The leading Russian magazine for the management, focuses on the economic reformes in Russia and UIS. the research results of economics and management are published for a wide range of readers. EKO destinates for the specialists & laymen.
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Zhurnal Izdatelskogo doma "Finansy i kredit". Tsel zhurnala - osveshchenie teoreticheskih voprosov i prakticheskih problem, voznikajushchih v protsesse ekonomicheskogo analiza proektnyh reshenij, investitsionnoj, finansovo-hozjajstvennoj i drugih vidov dejatelnosti.
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Polnotsvetnyj nauchno-tehnicheskij i obzorno-analiticheskij zhurnal dlja shirokogo kruga spetsialistov v oblasti stroitelstva, zhilishchno-kommunalnogo hozjajstva i energetiki.
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Kansainvälinen lehti "Pediatrics. Eastern Europe" on omistettu lasten terveyden suojelun tieteellisiin ongelmiin. Lehti on tarkoitettu lastenlääkäreille, neonatologeille, lastenkirurgeille, yleislääkäreille ja tutkijoille, jotka työskentelevät Valkovenäjän, Ukrainan, Venäjän ja muiden Itä-Euroopan maiden lastenlääketieteellisissä palveluissa.