Igor Yefimovich Rogalyov (*1948) is the graduate of the Leningrad Conservatoire, where he studied composition with B. A. Arapov and piano with N. N. Poznyakovskaya. His post-graduate education in the composition...
The composer Gennady Grigoryevich Belov (born in 1939) - is the graduate of the Petersburg Conservatoire, where his teachers were V. Salmanov and D. Shostakovich. Being the Petersburg Conservatoire professor...
Б. Дилан. На крыльях ветра
Ф. Алерт. О, счастлив я!
А. Петров. Романс о романсе. Из кинофильма "Жестокий романс"
И. Дунаевский. Песня о бывалом моряке. Из оперетты "Вольный ветер"...
Учебное пособие доцента по кафедре общего курса фортепиано Петрозаводской государственной консерватории им. А. К. Глазунова Т. В. Спиваковой "И. С. Бах. Хорошо темперированный клавир. Транскрипция для...
Sergey Banevich (born 1941) is a renown St Petersburg composer. He writes his opuses in different genres but his stage works for children are the most popular with the audience.
Пьесы, составившие данный сборник, внесут разнообразие в обиходный круг произведений, обычно предлагаемых к разучиванию. Удерживая в себе все лучшие черты, присущие барочной, классической, романтической...
The middle of the 18th century is truly considered to have been the birth-time of the piano ensemble genre. The four-hands compositions were enough easy to play even for the music lovers. Such genres occurred...
Один из популярнейших фортепианных циклов для детей. Переложение для фортепиано в 4 руки Владимира Самарина. Предназначается для учащихся детских музыкальных школ.
"From all the life enjoyments the music gives in only to the love..." - "Again, but the music, what a nuisance!" However, there lies the precipice between these two exclamations. Those who listen and enjoy...
Начинающим пианистам предлагаем насладиться любимыми шлягерами в легком изложении для фортепиано в 2 и 4 руки и одновременно приобрести необходимые знания и навыки. Автор учебного пособия Галина Андреевна...
"From all the life enjoyments the music gives in only to the love..." - "Again, but the music, what a nuisance!" However, there lies the precipice between these two exclamations. Those who listen and enjoy...
The Compozitor Publishing House (St Petersburg) publishes the series of unusual arrangements for piano, four hands. Their aim is to deliver the beginning pianist, who has just mastered the elements of...
Aron Solomonovich Bubelnikov (1911 - 1989), professor of the Leningrad (Petersburgian) Conservatoire, opera conductor, having brought up numerous young vocalists, devoted his spare time to piano - his...
This is the first publication of Suite from the music for the ballet Swan Lake in concert arrangement for piano four hands. The transcription, realized by the well-known Russian pianist Tatyana Fedkina,...
Waltz of Cinderella and Prince (based on a fairy-tale by
Ch. Perrault)
Dance of the Cat in Jackboots (based on a fairy-tale by
Ch. Perrault)
Polonaise for Schoolchildren
Country Waltz
This edition contains concert arrangement of the famous opera overture for two pianos, four hands. This work by M. Glinka is known as one of the masterpieces of Russian music.
The first work composed by Rachmaninoff for a piano duet, Suite No. 1 was written in 1893 and dedicated to P. Tchaikovsky. Initially the composition had the title Fantaisie and the subtitle Tableaux. It...
Rachmaninoff composed his Second Suite in 1901, around the same time as his Second Piano Concerto. Both works have something in common. The Suite is one of the best Russian works for piano duet.
The Suite...
"From all the life enjoyments the music gives in only to the love..." - "Again, but the music, what a nuisance!" However, there lies the precipice between these two exclamations. Those...
Популярная сюита для фортепиано в четыре руки петербургского композитора и опытнейшего педагога, чьи яркие и образные пьесы прочно вошли в репертуар маленьких пианистов.
Valery Olegovich Fadeyev (b. 1946) - the Petersburgian composer, working in different genres.
Teaching piano and composition in the music school Valery Fadeyev pays much attention to the sphere of...
Svetlana Nesterova was born in Yekaterinburg. Between 1995 and 2000 she studied at the composition faculty of the St. Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatoire (class of B. Tishchenko). The same time...
Piano ensemble is truly considered to be ranked among the most favourite genres of the Petersburgian composers belonging to different generations. It looks rather natural for the Petersburgian piano ensemble...
"Романтические дуэты", семь пьес для фортепиано в четыре руки, написаны Р. Щедриным в 2007 году. Произведение посвящено Мартину Энгстроему - основателю международного музыкального фестиваля в швейцарском...
The well-known piano cycle by the great Russian composer in arrangement for piano 4 hands. For pupils of children's music schools, students of music colleges, as well as for music lovers.
Леонид Десятников - один из самых исполняемых современных российских композиторов, член Союза композиторов - родился в Харькове 16 октября 1955 года. Окончил Ленинградскую консерваторию по классу композиции...
The present collection, composed by an experienced piano teacher, is intended for beginner musicians. The pieces included in this collection will help to carry the child with piano playing, to develop...
Piano Theatre of the Acting Duet
Driving the Troika
Coachmen's Quarter
Imitation of Antiquity
Little Clock
Сюита "Семь сказочных снов" предназначена для всех начинающих заниматься игрой на фортепиано (первый год обучения) без каких-либо возрастных ограничений. В каждой миниатюре цикла словно наяву разворачивается...
Арон Соломонович Бубельников (1911-1989), профессор Ленинградской консерватории, оперный дирижер и воспитатель молодых вокалистов, большую часть своего досуга отдавал фортепиано - инструменту, которому...
Две концертные транскрипции
На темы: Второй сюиты из балета М. Равеля "Дафнис и Хлоя" для двух фортепиано. Хабанеры из оперы Ж. Бизе "Кармен" для фортепиано в 4 руки
All the pieces entering this collection are composed on the base of the Jewish folk songs, taken from the "Anthology of the Jewish Folk Songs" published by the "Compozitor * Saint-Petersburg Publishing...
You are given the unique chance to peep into the collection of completed pieces originally created for piano in four hands by the great Russian composer Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1804-1857), so as his...