Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the most eminent modern composers. A "Petersburger by nationality", he was educated at the Special Musical School of the Leningrad Conservatory (1950-1961), the...
Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the most eminent modern composers. A "Petersburger by nationality", he was educated at the Special Musical School of the Leningrad Conservatory (1950-1961), the...
The lyrical piece A Fawn is based on the melody of an unpublished vocal composition (1962), which later was included in Alice in Wonderland (1994-2002). The melody in this laconic monophonic...
Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the most eminent modern composers. A “Petersburger by nationality”, he was educated at the Special Musical School of the Leningrad Conservatory (1950–1961), the...
Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the most eminent modern composers. A ‘Petersburger by nationality’, he was educated at the Special Musical School of the Leningrad Conservatory (1950–1961), the...
Marching and Dancing Two-Voice Textures are playful dance-like grotesque scenes, examples of ‘playful polyphony’. Their musical development is distinguished by the prominent themes and bright...
Книга бесед, интервью, мыслей об искусстве и о его творцах (в музыке, поэзии, театре, кино) одного из выдающихся композиторов нашего времени — Александре Кнайфеле.
Издание включает уникальную, авторизованную...
Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the most eminent modern composers. A ‘Petersburger by nationality’, he was educated at the Special Musical School of the Leningrad Conservatory (1950–1961), the...
The tremulous sound coloring of the piece is created by the register, uncommonly high for the melody, and the continuous, single pedal. The transparent-sonorous sound quality is achieved by...
Александр Кнайфель (р.1943) — один изведущих современных композиторов. Его произведения исполняются на крупнейших международных фестивалях в Европе и Америке. В 1992 году состоялся первый монографический...
Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the most eminent modern composers. A “Petersburger by nationality”, he was educated at the Special Musical School of the Leningrad Conservatory (1950–1961), the...
Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the most eminent modern composers. A ‘Petersburger by nationality’, he was educated at the Special Musical School of the Leningrad Conservatory (1950-1961), the...