This unique collection of the arias refers to the 16th-18th centuries. The compositions represented here are truly considered to be the most wonderful vocal masterpieces, being published for the first...
М. Рыцарева. Рассказы о танцах
1. Станцуем, девушки. Португальская народная песня-танец. Обработка Ю. Слонова
2. Сибоней. Кубинская народная песня
3. П. Роч. Хабанера
4. И. Локалле....
"Khorovedenie i upravlenie khorom" G. A. Dmitrevskogo stoit v odnom rjadu c trudami po khorovedeniju P. G. Chesnokova, V. I. Krasnoschekova, P. P. Levando. Kniga ne poterjala svoej aktualnosti i v nashi...
Мелодии Василия Павловича Соловьева-Седого - незабываемая страница в истории нашей музыки, обыкновенное чудо, подаренное миллионам людей. Фортепианные транскрипции, представленные в этом сборнике, - это...
Rabota baletnogo kontsertmejstera imeet svoju spetsifiku. Pianisty, poluchivshie diplomy spetsialnogo srednego i vysshego obrazovanija, stalkivajutsja s bolshimi problemami, kogda oni popadajut na rabotu...
Muzyka opery "Krasnaja Shapochka" napisana v stile Mozarta. Zdes vsjo kak v nastojaschej opere XVIII veka: i arii, i vokalnye ansambli, i rechitativy. Mozhno dazhe skazat, chto eto malenkaja opera-buffa,...
It happened in 1936, when Sergei Prokofiev composed music to the film "Queen of Spades" after A. S. Pushkin's story of the same name according to the producer Mikhail Romm's order. However, the work was...
В сборник включены литературные труды русских и зарубежных пианистов, педагогов, теоретиков фортепианного исполнительства, посвященные рассмотрению различных аспектов фортепианной техники. Вниманию читателей...
Umenie chitat s lista - zagadochnoe kachestvo, kotoroe prisusche daleko ne kazhdomu muzykantu. Oshibochno podrazumevaetsja, chto sposobnost eta priobretaetsja kak by sama soboj za gody obuchenija v muzykalnoj...
Yuri Kornakov, the acknowledged master, one of the leading Petersburgian composers, the pianist, the pedagogue. He is very famous among those, whose passion is music art. Kornakov works in different genres,...
1. Б. Марчелло. АДАЖИО из Концерта для гобоя с оркестром
2. М. Глинка. ПЕРСИДСКИЙ ХОР из оперы "Руслан и Людмила"
3. М. Глинка. ВАЛЬС из оперы "Жизнь за царя"
4. М. Глинка. КАВАТИНА...
Der Konig und sein Heer
Die Prinzessin
Der Konigsnarr
Der Folkstanz
Das Wiegenlied
Auf dem Ball
Wunderbare Verwandlung
Der Prinz und Hochzeitsfanfaren...
Arnold Nevolovich (rod. v 1953) - kompozitor, mnogo pishuschij dlja kamernykh instrumentalnykh sostavov, avtor simfonicheskoj, vokalnoj i khorovoj muzyki, a takzhe populjarnykh detskikh mjuziklov i pes.
This exact edition will be mostly useful for domrists' repertoire. The students of children music schools, palaces of young artists and musicians, centres of children's creation shall doubtlessly meet...
The Russian folk instrument balalaika has already enjoed its popularity all over the world. So many young musicians are anxious to master the skill of balalaika. Beside moving heaven and earth, one should...
The collection of pieces for domra and piano by Alexander Dugushyn may be divided into two cycles rather conventionally. The first one is lyrical. These are "Two Waltzes", "Melody" and "Dreams". The second...
Malenkaja sjuita "Negritenok s balalajkoj" napisana v 1989 godu po zakazu balalaechnika Evgenija Belova i pianistki Viktorii Tabachnikovoj, kotorye i byli ee pervymi ispolniteljami. S tekh por etu muzyku...
V. Andreev. Sparkles
As Under the Aple-Tree. Russian folk song. Arranged by V. Andreyev
As I'll Teach you, Vanyusha. Russian folk song. Arranged by G. Andryushenkov
As Along the Grass....
V. V. Andreyev - А. V. Makarov. Brook. Waltz
N. Paganini. Campanella. Rondo from the Concerto No. 2. Arranged by F. Kreisler, Transcription by A. Makarov
H. Vieuxtemps. Rondino. Arranged...
Palm Leaf Rag. A Slow Drag
Weeping Willow. A Ragtime Two-Step
Sycamore. A Concert Rag
Antoinette. March and Two-Step
Rose Leaf Rag
Fig Leaf Rag
Sugar Cane. A Ragtime...
Предлагаемый список произведений В. А. Гаврилина является первой попыткой представить его музыкальное наследие в хронологически упорядоченном виде.
Список включает в себя все выявленные к марту...
I. Fancies
II. Thumbelina
III. Thumbelina's Dance
IV. Mole's Dungeon
V. Waltz with Candles
VI. Thumbelina and Swallow
VII. Intermezzo
VIII. To the Elfland
IX. At the Elfs Castle
X. Elf
G. Belov. Introduction
"Sing Your Songs In Spite of All!"
Song About the Rara Avis. Verses by L. Kuklin
Song About the Falcon and His Love. Verses by the unknown author
Girl's Song...
"Tosca" is the opera by Giacomo Puccini in three acts, libretto by G. Giacosa and I. Illica to the drama "Floria Tosca" by V. Sardou, written by the playwright especially for the great French actress Sarah...
Guennady Vavilov (born in 1932) is the great composer being awarded the titles "People's Artist of Karelia", "Honoured Art Worker of Russia", professor of the Glazunov State Conservatoire in Petrozavodsk.Those...
Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the most eminent modern composers. A "Petersburger by nationality", he was educated at the Special Musical School of the Leningrad Conservatory (1950-1961), the...
Александр Кнайфель (р.1943) - один изведущих современных композиторов. Его произведения исполняются на крупнейших международных фестивалях в Европе и Америке. В 1992 году состоялся первый монографический...
The Compozitor Publishing House * Saint-Petersburg represents the collection of pieces by the Italian, Spanish and French composers, whose creative period fell on the second half of the 19th century up...
"Musical Sketches" for balalaika and piano under the heading of "We Learn To Play Balalaika" is the programmatic trend music. The original composition consists of seven pieces of various characters. The...
Elite Syncopations
The Chrysanthemum. An Afro-American Intermezzo .
The Easy Winners. A Ragtime Two-Step
Reflection Rag. Syncopated Musings
Pleasant Moments. Ragtime Waltz
Konov V. Introduktsija i vals na temy Zharra M. Iz k/f "Doktor Zhivago"
Vlasov A. Melodija
Corellli A. Sarabanda. Perelozhenie Petukhovoj Ju.
Zverev A. Rondo
Kamaldinov G. Romans
A. Glazunov. WALTZ
D. Kabalevsky. GALOP OF COMEDIANS. From suite "Comedians"
M. de Falla. DANCE OF FIRE. From the opera Love the Witch
E. Vila-Lobos....
The proposed collection for three-stringed domra, accompanied by piano includes the works by the Spanish composer Elena Mezzacapo, whose creation was firstly represented in the French music editions at...
Mozart's only Oboe Concerto, written for the Salzburg Oboist Ferlendis, was considered lost. The present Concerto is claimed to be the lost work. It corresponds to the Flute Concerto in D major, K. 314,...
Aron Solomonovich Bubelnikov (1911-1989), professor of the Leningrad (Petersburgian) Conservatoire, opera conductor, having brought up numerous young vocalists, devoted his spare time to piano - his true...