Guennady Vavilov (born in 1932) is the great composer being awarded the titles "People's Artist of Karelia", "Honoured Art Worker of Russia", professor of the Glazunov State Conservatoire in Petrozavodsk.Those...
Guennady Vavilov (born in 1932) is the great composer being awarded the titles "People's Artist of Karelia", "Honoured Art Worker of Russia", professor of the Glazunov State Conservatoire in Petrozavodsk.Those...
Guennady Vavilov (born in 1932) is the great composer being awarded the titles "People's Artist of Karelia", "Honoured Art Worker of Russia", professor of the Glazunov State Conservatoire in Petrozavodsk.Those...
The photo placed here depicts Guennady Vavilov together with the legendary violinist Yehudi Menuhin. This picture is the reminiscence about the September days of the year 1997, when the World Congress...
Farid Yarullin was lost on the 2-nd World war aged 29 in 1943. It is sorrowfully and touching to read the list of his works: piano compressed score of the ballet "Shurale", first part of the symphony,...
В настоящем учебном пособии освещается жизненный и творческий путь великого русского композитора, раскрывается содержание его основных сочинений.
Книга адресована самому широкому кругу читателей,...
Настоящее издание предназначено для самых маленьких. В нем дети постепенно изучают азы нотной грамоты, осваивают аппликатуру, штрихи, динамические оттенки. Автору хотелось, чтобы постижение нотной грамоты...
Being not only composer and pianist but also a an artist, painter, the author experiments with a daring idea of combining art of the sound with the art of the visual image. In our age of total computerization...
Kniga "Vojna i mir". Roman L. N. Tolstogo i opera S. S. Prokofieva" predstavljaet soboj issledovanie osobennostej khudozhestvennogo teksta romana i opery...
Schumann named his cycle "Kreisleriana" already after the composition was completed. It was inspired by the "insane chapel-master Johann Kreisler", the character of E. Th. A. Hoffmann's musical stories....
Gennady Grigoryevich Belov (*1939) was born in Leningrad. Having graduated from the St. Petersburg Conservatoire (V. Salmanov's class) in 1961, he completed post-graduate studying under the guidance of...
The compositions forming this exact publication were initially representing different musical genres. Meanwhile, the mentioned genres rather rarely go side-by-side in the same concert programs. ...
The Petersburgian composer Vadim Bibergan enjoys popularity actually in all the musical genres he works, i.e. symphonic (Poem of the Struggle, 1961, Symphony-Concerto, 1967) and chamber, folk, cinema,...
"Lieutenant Kizhe", suite from the music to the film, op.60 refers to 1934. The project was conceived during S. S. Prokofiev's visit to Moscow and Leningrad. Yuri Tynyanov's short story of the same name...
It was in 2001, when I completed the four hands piano Suite from Valery Gavrilin's TV ballet "Balzaminov's Marriage." Its fragments were first performed by the students of the St. Petersburg V. A. Gavrilin...
Kto iz vas ne ljubit novogodnie i rozhdestvenskie prazdniki?! Dumaetsja, takovykh malo. Khorosho, a teper skazhite: kakie novogodnie pesni vy znaete?
Стабильное учебное пособие для начального обучения игре на трубе. Включает репертуар из программы ДМШ. Предназначается для учащихся детских музыкальных школ.
Предлагаемое пособие представляет собой базовый курс эстрадно-джазового сольфеджио. Разнообразный материал сборника включает помимо английских и американских народных песен классические образцы популярных...
The Honoured Art Worker of Russia Vladislav Kladnitsky was born in Zaporozhie in 1932. He finished the Omsk Musical School and then graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory where he studied in the professor...
Aron Solomonovich Bubelnikov (1911-1989), professor of the Leningrad (Petersburgian) Conservatoire, opera conductor, having brought up numerous young vocalists, devoted his spare time to piano - his true...
This is the symphony music of the 20th century to "make heaven drowsy with the harmony" (as Shakespeare once said about love in his Love's Labour' s Lost.)
It looks mostly expedient to instill symphony...
This is the symphony music of the 20th century to "make heaven drowsy with the harmony" (as Shakespeare once said about love in his Love's Labour' s Lost.)
It looks mostly expedient to instill symphony...
The composer Gennady Grigoryevich Belov (born in 1939) - is the graduate of the Petersburg Conservatoire, where his teachers were V. Salmanov and D. Shostakovich. Being the Petersburg Conservatoire professor...
It was the middle of the nineties, when my collection "Twelve Jewish Melodies for Male Choir a Cappella" were edited by the Compozitor Publishing House o Saint-Petersburg. Among the arrangements entering...
Ot a zoy! (So it is!) Suite-fantasia to the Jewish songs.For mixed choir a cappella
Ten Jewish Melodies. For mixed choir a cappella
1. Oifn Pripetchik (at the Small fireplace) ...
Sergei Mikhailovich Lyapunov (1859-1924) the distinguished Russian composer, pianist, conductor, musicologist and teacher was born in Yaroslavl in the family of an astronomer. That was the future composer's...
Александр Дереникович Мнацаканян родился в Ереване в 1936 году. В 1961 году окончил Петербургскую консерваторию по классу композиции профессора О. А. Евлахова, а в 1964 году - аспирантуру под руководством...
Книга Н. А. Бергер "...Мелодия" фокусирует внимание на одном из трех слагаемых музыки - ритм, мелодия, гармония. Цель книги - подвести адресата музыки (музыканта и слушателя) к проникновению в суть самого...
Cantata Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut for soprano, strings and continuo. BWV 199. Reconstruction of the Kothen version, preface and commentaries by Tatiana Shabalina. Score and parts
В книге впервые в полном составе представлены "Воспоминания" выдающегося певца XX века, а также другие материалы о нем, о его жизни и творчестве. Издание содержит многообразный иллюстративный ряд, включающий...
Эта книга, входящая в серию изданий о выдающихся деятелях вокальной педагогики, издаваемых "Центром современного искусства", посвящена одному из крупнейших преподавателей искусства пения в России в 20-м...
Dmitri Valentinovich Smirnov (born in 1952) is the Petersburgian composer, whose passion is choral and pedagogical activity. The "Compozitor Publishing House*Saint-Petersburg" has already edited his collection...
Имя юной пианистки, девочки-вундеркинда Тани Федькиной в 60-х годах гремело по всему Советскому Союзу. В отличие от многих подобных чудо-детей Таня вполне реализовала свой необыкновенный талант и стала...
Игорь Друх (род. в 1966) - петербургский композитор, пианист, автор произведений в различных жанрах.
Публикуемое произведение предназначено для профессиональных музыкантов, а также для учащихся...
145 mm x 205 mm
Anton Bruckner (1824-1896) - the Austrian composer, organist, pedagogue, one of the most piominent symphonists living in the second half of the 19th century. His creation embraces 11...
145 mm x 205 mm
Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) - the Austrian composer, belonging to the galaxy of the Viennese classics. Among his opuses there are over one hundred symphonies.
12 London symphonies...