The World of Music. Full course of theoretical subjects for 4th grade of children's music school. Set includes a solfeggio textbook, workbook, learning aid "Listening to Music" and a CD.
The World of Music. Full course of theoretical subjects for 3th grade of children's music school. Set includes a solfeggio textbook, workbook, learning aid "Listening to Music" and a CD.
Сборник бесед и статей посвящен современной музыкальной культуре. В первой части публикуются интервью с видными композиторами Петербурга - Г. И. Банщиковым, В. Е. Баснером, С. А. Белимовым, Г. Г. Беловым,...
Юрий Александрович ФАЛИК (1936-2009). Учился в Музыкальной школе имени П. С. Столярского в Одессе. Выпускник Ленинградской консерватории по классам виолончели (проф. А. Штример) и композиции (проф. Б....
Being not only composer and pianist but also a an artist, painter, the author experiments with a daring idea of combining art of the sound with the art of the visual image. In our age of total computerization...
The World of Music. Full course of theoretical subjects for 2nd grade of children's music school. Set includes a solfeggio textbook, a CD, a workbook, learning aid "Listening to Music" and a CD.
Герои этой книги - талантливые петербургские композиторы, связанные общей приверженностью к продолжению традиций петербургской академической композиторской школы. Эти композиторы профессионально сформировались...
Часть первая: методические рекомендации, таблицы по музыкальной грамоте, музыкальное домино.
Часть вторая: ритмические карточки, карточки музыкальных обозначений, игра "Прочти слова", музыкальное...
Произведение написано Р. Щедриным по заказу международного виолончельного фестиваля памяти Мстислава Ростроповича в Кронберге. Премьера сочинения состоялась 5 октября 2007 г. в Кронберге в исполнении Сабины...
The publication contains transcriptions of works by foreign composers, performed by the National Artist of Russia, Professor of The Russian Gnesins Academy of Music V.E.Zazhigin and A.Larin's composition,...
J. Maevski. Fiddler on the Roof. Phantasia to the themes from J. Bock's musical of the same name
I. Overture
II. Do You Love Me?
III. If I Were a Rich Man ...
Издание содержит фортепианные сочинения современных композиторов В.Агафонникова и А.Наседкина. Владислав Германович Агафонников (р. 1936), народный артист РФ, профессор Московской консерватории, композитор...
Издание содержит этюды (соч. 25) великого польского композитора в редакции Л.Н.Оборина и Я.И.Мильштейна. Снабжено текстологическими комментариями, исследующими разночтения между прижизненными и последующими...
Andrey Petrov (1930-2006) was born in Leningrad. In 1954 he graduated from the Leningrad Conservatoire, where he studied composition at professor O. A. Yevlakhov's class. Among the titles he was awarded...
Piano miniature for children and youths is a special stratum of the Petersburgian music referring to the second half of the 20th century. Educational...
Piano miniature for children and youths is a special stratum of the Petersburgian music referring to the second half of the 20th century. Educational...
Piano miniature for children and youths is a special stratum of the Petersburgian music referring to the second half of the 20th century. Educational...
Piano miniature for children and youths is a special stratum of the Petersburgian music referring to the second half of the 20th century. Educational...
Piano miniature for children and youths is a special stratum of the Petersburgian music referring to the second half of the 20th century. Educational...
Piano miniature for children and youths is a special stratum of the Petersburgian music referring to the second half of the 20th century. Educational...
Piano miniature for children and youths is a special stratum of the Petersburgian music referring to the second half of the 20th century. Educational...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
Along the Pages of the Petersburg Piano Music for Children and Youth. From S. Volfenzon's Collection. In 8 Notebooks. Educational repertoire of children music school. Notebook 6. Dancing World
Dear musicians...
Книга А. Н. Крюкова посвящена музыкальному воспитанию детей в осажденном Ленинграде в дошкольных учреждениях и в общеобразовательных школах, в специальных музыкальных школах и училищах, во Дворце пионеров...
The end of 1960ies. D. D. Shostakovich characterizes young Leningradian composers. Valery Gavrilin is already known to him since the young man's laureateship of the М. I. Glinka Prize. The great master's...
The collection of six pieces for violin and piano is the album of pictures to H. Ch. Andersen's fairytale "The Flint". Witty brave soldier is endowed with dashing march-like melody (No. 1), recognized...
Первый выпуск сборника "Играю на синтезаторе" составлен из популярных мелодий, пьес и этюдов, расположенных по степени возрастания сложности, и предназначен для овладения основными навыками...
The edition contains piano works by contemporary Swedish composer Lev Lindgren. For students of music colleges and conservatoires, as well as for professional performers.
Издание посвящено 90-летнему юбилею известного советского дирижера Анатолия Семеновича Бадхена (1922-1989), заслуженного деятеля искусств РСФСР (1977), лауреата...
The name given to this opera is only one of its unique facets. The production ran from the late 1980s to the early 1990s at the Experiment theatre in Leningrad (now St Petersburg), Russia.
В пятый, заключительный выпуск Хрестоматии вошли сочинения для смешанного состава в сопровождении фортепиано, в том числе с участием солистов; в большинстве своем - это хоры и хоровые сцены из опер, ораторий...
The present collection represents a wide panorama of pedagogical repertoires for the saxophone and piano - starting from polyphonic compositions from the chivalrous medieval age to music from contemporary...
Osobennostju nastojaschego sbornika javljaetsja to, chto vse ego nomera - eto fragmenty oper i baletov, vpervye postavlennye v dvukh byvshikh imperatorskikh teatrakh v Peterburge i Moskve: balet "Ocharovannyj...
Jackpot is hit once again and another time thanks to the famous composer Sergei Nikolayevich Poddubny, also known for the regular collections of modern sheet music, compiled and edited by him together...