Ж. Б. Люлли. Гавот
И. С. Бах. Адажио
Ф. Шуберт. Ave Maria
К. Дакен. Кукушка
Р. Шуман. Грезы
Ф. Лист. Ноктюрн No. 3 "Грезы любви"
Г. Доницетти. Романс ("Una furtiva lagrima") из...
"Suite" Sheherazade "based on Arabic fairy tales" 1001 Nights "is the most important symphonic work by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. The first performance of the suite took place in a concert of the Russian Musical...
Одно из лучших сочинений мирового фортепианного репертуара, постоянно звучащее на концертной эстраде. Публикуется в исполнительской редакции российского пианиста Г. Р. Гинзбурга.
Предназначается для студентов...
WALTZ (Old Scottish Melody). From "Waterloo Bridge". Words by Robert Bums
MOONLIGHT SERENADE. From "Sun Valley Serenade ". Music by Glenn Miller.
Words by Mitchell Parish
I KNOW WHY. From...
Мечислав Самуилович Вайнберг (1919-1996) - выдающийся советский и российский композитор XX века, заслуженный деятель искусств РСФСР (1971), народный артист РСФСР (1980), лауреат Государственной премии...
Это яркое, блестящее сочинение, основанное на популярных мелодиях Гершвина, придется по вкусу всем пианистам - и студентам музыкальных училищ или консерваторий, и уже концертирующим мастерам. Автор - знаменитый...
Zhannetta Metallidi is renown composer and teacher: she has developed comprehensive method of teaching music theory and composition for the initial period of music education. Composition and teaching are...
Composer Vsevolod Petrovich Zaderatsky (1891-1953) graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in 1916; studied in the classes of S. Taneyev, M. Ippolitov-Ivanov and K. Kipp. During the Soviet period of national...
Николай Андреевич Римский-Корсаков (1844-1908) - русский композитор, педагог, дирижер, общественный деятель, музыкальный критик; участник "Могучей кучки", автор многочисленных произведений в разных жанрах.
The edition contains piano pieces of the Russian composer Vasily Kalinnikov (1866-1901) including the well-known Sad Song and Elegy.
For pupils of children's music schools, students of music colleges,...
Fantasia in С Minor in Memory of Maria Yudina
Three Romantic Pieces Op. 42
Mourning Serenade
An Echo of Mephisto-Waltz Op. 42-bis
Four Evangelic Scenes Op. 79
The Resurrection...
Twelve Transcendental Variations on a Theme by Ferenc Liszt
Three Sketches for a Portraiit of Federico Garcia Lorca
Four Chromatic Studies
Six Bagatelles
Three Pieces
1. Capriccio in Memory...
Sketches of a Temple in a Parallel World. Six postludcs to 7/tc Weil-Tempered Clavier by J.S. Bach Ор. 64
From the composer
Postludio I. Quasi Euntasia
Postludio II. Quasi Aria (a 3 voci)
The edition contains piano works by the great Russian composer, first of all his famous Little Suite. For Senior grades pupils of music schools and students of music colleges.
Die junge Mutter
Die Post
Die Sehnsucht
Die Kräne
Am Meer
Die Erwartung
Das Wandern
Das Geheimnis
Auf dem...
The Deka-VS Publishing House publishes in two volumes (50 and 51) the well-known and popular cycle "40 Songs by Franz Schubert for Piano by Alexander Dubuc" which has long become a rarity. The first 20...
Данное учебное пособие на протяжении многих лет входит в золотой фонд издательства "Музыка". Составленное опытными педагогами-методистами, оно не потеряло своей привлекательности и в наше время. Важные...
В современной фортепианной педагогике в связи с увеличивающимся потоком информации, повышением уровня требований к интенсивности процесса обучения и необходимостью работы с детьми разной степени одарённости...
The collection "The Kid and the American Music" contains pieces by American composers, both popular and not so well known to the wide audience. This arrangement will make them accessible both to young...
This collection includes piano transcriptions of several well-known pieces by Khachaturyan. For senior pupils of children's music schools and students of music colleges, as well as for music lovers.
Edvard Grieg wrote pieces for piano throughout his life. These pieces (there are over three hundred of them) may be compared to lyric poems.
The collection contains two volumes of Grieg's Lyric Pieces...
Thirteen Russian Songs Ор. 73
1. The Storm Is Dividing the Sea. Chant
2. Through the Wild Steppes of Transbaikalia
3. Motherland
4. The Black Raven
5. From Behind an Island to the Rapids
В предлагаемую хрестоматию включены пьесы, отличающиеся характерностью образов, новизной и своеобразием музыкального языка. Они написаны в самых разных жанрах: это марши, танцы, песни, портреты сказочных...
Nikolai Karlovich Metner (1880-1951), the Russian composer and pianist, whose creation is connected mainly with chamber genres (besides 3 Concertos for piano and orchestra). Together with Sergei Rachmaninov...
Valery Aleksandrovich Gavrilin (1939-1999) is the distinguished Russian composer, having lived in the last third of the 20th century. His creative work is considered to be the kind of brilliant and original...
The collection of concert pieces is the part of the well-known bundle of educational aids "To Music with Joy", most popular among both teachers and children. This is the rising thirst for good piano ensemble...
Edvard Grieg, a Norwegian composer of Romantic era, musical influencer, pianist, and a conductor. " Lyric Pieces" constitute a large part of Grieg's piano work (66 piano pieces are combined to ten notebooks...
The middle of the 18th century is truly considered to have been the birth-time of the piano ensemble genre. The four-hands compositions were enough easy to play even for the music lovers. Such genres occurred...