Kun länsimaiset joukot vetäytyvät Afganistanista ja ISAF operaatiota ollaan päättämässä, on tullut ajankohtaiseksi arvioida kansainvälisen väliintulon onnistumista. Tekijä on palvellut upseerina Afganistanissa...
Suomen tilastollinen vuosikirja on kokoomateos ja tietokirja, joka sisältää keskeiset tilastotiedot eri aihealueilta. Kirjassa yhdistyvät pitkät aikasarjat yhteiskunnan kehityksestä ja ajankohtainen uusin...
Northern Byzantine Icons sheds new light on icons, a cultural heritage that we have received from the east. The eastern poin of view has often been overlooked in the predominantly western-influenced Finland...
The study focuses on cases of mobility where the individuals moved from their own instigation and continued relocating, returning and leaving again. The main goal was to find out if such individuals realize...
This book focuses on the socio-cultural and economic circumstances in which the Viennese waltz developed at the turn of the 19th century. Through an examination of the production, dissemination and consumption...
Данный справочник содержит курс английской грамматики для учащихся 5-9 классов. Все правила проиллюстрированы примерами с переводом на русский язык. Четкие схемы и наглядные таблицы помогут в кратчайшие...
Orientalisten Georg August Wallins liv och resor i Mellanöstern på 1840-talet presenteras i behändigt format i boken Dolce far niente i Arabien."Och framför allt jag älskar beduinen och hans öken och hvad...
Один из самых известных романов Джека Лондона "Мартин Иден" - это повествование о трагичной, полной быстрых и неожиданных перемен в судьбе молодого талантливого писателя. Этот роман о поиске собственного...
Настоящий сборник упражнений поможет учащимся отработать навыки правильного чтения английских слов. Сначала автор предлагает изучить правила, прослушать слова и повторить их за диктором, а затем прочитать...
В книгу вошел сокращенный (с сохранением основной сюжетной линии) и упрощенный текст романа английской писательницы Джейн Остин "Гордость и предубеждение".
Увлекательное повествование, яркие характеры...
Kimmo Sarjen Asunto valtakadulla on runoelman kaltainen taiteellisen tutkimuksen koe, kuvan ja tekstin montaasi Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton jännitteistä toisen maailmansodan aikana. Se on kirja nationalismista,...
Modern studies of Russian society.
Mostly in Russian with a few articles in English.
There are two articles in English: Problems of Psychology and Contemporary philosophy.
Kontakty on nimenomaan nuorille suunnattu.
Tekijät tekivät kyselyn nuorilta ja kysyivät, minkä aiheisia tekstejä nämä haluaisivat lukea. Tuloksena tämä oppikirja.
The publication presents to the public works of antique jewellery, held in the Hermitage, which date from the 6th century BC to 3rd century AD and come from the northern shores of the Black Sea. Excavations...
It is difficult to define exactly when the Viking Age occurred in Åland, the period is generally considered to comprise the ninth and tenth centuries AD and to have ended sometime during the eleventh century....
Kai Donner (1888-1935) was a Finnish linguist, ethnographer, explorer, author and national activist, who completed two journeys to Siberia in 1911-1913 and 1914. In the field he took several hundred photographs,...
New Focus on Retrospective Methods. Resuming methodological discussions: case studies from Northern Europe. Edited by Eldar Heide Karen Bek-Pedersen
Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
Folklore Fellows...
"Nightwork" ("Ночной портье") - один из 12 наиболее известных романов популярного американского писателя XX века Ирвина Шоу. В романе повествуется о роли случая в жизни любого, даже самого незаметного...
In today's visual regime, contemporary dance operates as a critical force. It questions univocal representations and dominant cultural ideals of the body. Developing alternative approaches to physical...
Laskutaidolla saat tutkitusti parhaat tulokset.
Laskutaito in English follows the guidelines set out by the Finnish mathematics curriculum and tackles the challenges posed by the teaching of mathematics...
Articles: iDebora Cilli/i, A New Corpus of Hieratic Ostraca from the Valley of Kings (KV47); iKathlyn M. Cooney/i, Private Sector Tomb Robbery and Funerary Arts Reuse according to West Theban Documentation;...
Nuoret vaikuttavat Euroopassa paikallistasolla monilla demokratian kentillä. Poliittiseksi aktiivisuudeksi lasketaan usein kuitenkin vain vaaleissa äänestäminen. Lisäksi on havaittavissa, että nuorten...
This study examines the rhetoric used by the great powers in the United Nations Security Council in the context of the international crises that occurred between 1946 and 1956. The topic is an important...
From Aunt Annie's Alligator to Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz, this sturdy board book version of Dr. Seuss's ABC is now available in a bigger trim size. With Dr. Seuss as your guide, learning the alphabet is as fun...
f the hype is to be believed then the next big thing is the Internet of Things. But is it what you think it is? Because the Internet of Things is not about things on the internet. A world in which all...
"More dramatic than fiction. The Guns Of August is a magnificent narrative - beautifully organized, elegantly phrased, skillfully paced and sustained. The product of painstaking and sophisticated research."...
The growing importance of the Bulgarian Principality seems to indicate the need of a Bulgarian Grammar, whether for travellers or those engaged in commerce. I have, therefore, compiled this short work....
This book constitutes an up-to-date treatment of Russia's economic development and economic policies since 2000, when Vladimir Putin became the President of Russia. After the slow decline and sudden collapse...
Anna Pulkkis tarkastelee väitöstutkimuksessaan "Vaihtoehtoja monotonaalisuudelle Jean Sibeliuksen yksinlauluissa" niitä tapoja, joilla Sibeliuksen (1865-1957) yksinlaulut poikkeavat monotonaalisuuden periaatteesta....
Little people affected by and reaching to great events is a time-honoured literary device. The Red Line (Punainen viiva, 1909) uses this device to reflect on one of the major turning points in the political...
Серия обучающих программ по акварели, состоящая из 6 книг с видеоуроками, предназначена для широкого круга любителей живописи разного уровня подготовки. Уроки составлены так, что, с одной стороны, будут...
The year 2015 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Finland's greatest composer, Jean Sibelius. This magnificent celebratory book presents a unique collection of essays by some of today's leading...
This book is dedicated to the Soviet Space Dogs, who played a crucial part in the Soviet Space programme. These homeless dogs, plucked from the streets of Moscow, were selected because they fitted the...