Svetlana Nesterova was born in Yekaterinburg. Between 1995 and 2000 she studied at the composition faculty of the St. Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatoire (class of B. Tishchenko). The same time...
Piano ensemble is truly considered to be ranked among the most favourite genres of the Petersburgian composers belonging to different generations. It looks rather natural for the Petersburgian piano ensemble...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
Enjoy true jazz compositions - most easy and suitable for any performer, eager to learn new abilities of accordion and bayan, worked out especially for jazz music. Combinations...
Первое издание фортепианной рапсодии "Кармен" на темы из оперы Ж.Бизе. Данная транскрипция, осуществленная известной российской пианисткой Т.Малининой-Федькиной, несомненно, обогатит концертный фортепианный...
Prince Igor is the opera by A. Borodin in 4 acts with prologue. Libretto was written by the composer himself on the base of V. Stasov's "The Song of Igor's Campaign". N. Rimsky-Korsakov and A. Glazunov...
В настоящем издании представлен знаменитейший "Грустный вальс" выдающегося финского композитора Яна Сибелиуса (1865-1957) в облегченном переложении для фортепиано.
Настоящий сборник представляет собой широкую панораму педагогического репертуара для саксофона и фортепиано - от полифонических произведений галантной эпохи до музыки из современных кинофильмов. ...
"Романтические дуэты", семь пьес для фортепиано в четыре руки, написаны Р. Щедриным в 2007 году. Произведение посвящено Мартину Энгстроему - основателю международного музыкального фестиваля в швейцарском...
In the early nineties a violinist Gidon Kremer created an ensemble Kremerata Musica specially to play music by Astor Piazzolla. In 1995 he asked me to write an encore (something like a prepared impromptu)...
Monumentaalisen Liturgian säveltäjä teki vuonna 1910, ja siitä on tullut yksi huomattavimmista venäläisen hengellisen musiikin teoksista. Teoksen ovat esittäneet niin hengelliset kuin maallisetkin kuorot....
Одночастное сочинение выдающегося современного композитора образно и интонационно связано с русским фольклором. Мастерски используемые в пьесе технические приемы игры и звуковые эффекты создают яркую,...
Popular instrumental miniatures by the great Russian composcr in arrangement for flute and piano by the well-known Russian pianist Boris Bekhterev: Autumn Song, In the Troika, Christmas-Tide.
For students...
Rachmaninoff's vocal-orchestral poem, composed in I913, is based on Konstantin Balmont's free translation of the famous poem by Edgar Рое. This is one of Rachmaninoff's major works; its four movements...
Учебник сольфеджио "Учиться музыке легко" для вторых классов детских музыкальных школ является продолжением новой серии учебников по сольфеджио известных педагогов и заслуженных работников культуры России...
The present collection represents a wide panorama of pedagogical repertoires for the saxophone and piano - starting from polyphonic compositions from the chivalrous medieval age to music from contemporary...
Commented edition of the well-known piano opus by the great Russian composer and pianist. For students of music colleges and conservatoires, as well as for concert performers.
Valery Aleksandrovich Gavrilin (1939-1999) is the distinguished Russian composer, having lived in the last third of the 20th century. His creative work is considered to be the kind of brilliant and original...
The Cello Sonata, a masterpiece of the great Russian composer Sergey Rachmaninov (1873 1943), was composed in 1901 and dedicated to the legendary Russian cellist Anatoliy Brandukov (1856-1930). This publication...
Vol. 92. Chamber Compozitions for Voice and Songs
Two Fables by Ivan Krylov. Op. 4.
Two Romances on Verses by Mikhail Lermontov. Op. 84.
Spanish Songs. Op. 100.
Six Songs on Poems by Marina Tsvetayeva....
Pieces of the Little Jazz Suite for a flute (and clarinet) and a piano by the Petersburgian composer Natalia Volkova are written under the impressions of rhythms and melodies of some genres of jazz music....
Collected Works. Series VI. Chamber Works. Volume 1. Works for Violin and Piano, Solo Violin and Solo Viola. Part 7. Works for solo violin and solo viola
Critical edition based on the composer's archive...
P. Tchaikovsky. I'D LIKE IN ONE WORD. [No. I ] [ 1875] Verses by L. Mey (from Heine)
P. Tchaikovsky. MID THE DIN OF THE BALL. Op. 38, No. 3. Verses by A. K. Tolstoy
P. Tchaikovsky....
The well-known piano cycle by the great Russian composer in arrangement for piano 4 hands. For pupils of children's music schools, students of music colleges, as well as for music lovers.