Journalist, psychologist, blogger from Kharkiv Anna Gin, as always, shares her experiences sincerely, truthfully and concisely. Day after day, her thoughts form a coherent story - a diary of the first...
Depression. Anxiety. Chronic pain. Phobias. Obsessive thoughts. The evidence is compelling: the root of these difficulties may reside in the traumas of our parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents....
The Rocky World of Eternal Summer is inhabited by wise snakes and dragons who have overcome envy and live in harmony and harmony, each with its own purpose and honoring the law. However, this magical World...
"Лi Бардуgо - авторка трилогiїпро орден Гриша, що стала бестселером The New York Times. Народилася в Єрусалимi, виросла в Лос-Анджелесi. Закiнчила Йельський унiверситет. Займалася рекламою, журналiстикою,...
Як i кожного року, наприкiнцi осенi ведмiдь зiбрався спати. Вiн завершував останнi приготування i чекав, коли прийдуть туконi, щоб допомогти влаштуватись у барлозi. Однак йому зустрiвся зубр, який розповiв,...
У покинутому будинку на околицi мiста живе собi привид. Вiн страшенно самотнiй, оскiльки довкола немає людей, яких можна було б навiдати увечерi. Загасити нiчну лампу тому, хто заснув з книжкою, вкрити...
У Джудi Мудi фiолетово-королiвський настрiй! Виявляється, колись Мудi (тобто їхнi смiливi предки) жили в Англiї. Тож, якщо вiрити нотаткам її дiдуся, Джудi навiть може бути родичкою - королiвськi фанфари,...
Ранульфа, графа Мальвуазен, за мужнiсть i зухвалiсть називають Чорним Левом. Йому немає рiвних нi на полi бою, нi на лицарському ристалищi. У графа є все:...
A person's heart beats faster for a variety of reasons. Some of them are beautiful and optimistic. Others are deceptive and nonsensical, and everyone but us notices this. But...
Christmas comes to every home - to Santa's elves, to the teddy bear's den, and even to Julien, who is forced to serve an evil ogre. This collection of stories inspires a festive mood and inspires faith...
Коли Лiза Кендал винайняла кiмнату у вiкторiанському маєтку в Пiвнiчному Лондонi, то й гадки не мала, що на неї чекає. У прилiжковiй шафцi вона знаходить передсмертну записку, вочевидь залишену попереднiм...
Ready for an honest conversation about otherness? To discuss the fact that people are not always able to accept in others - or in themselves. Vitiligo, Tourette's syndrome, alopecia, hemangioma - the heroes...
With the help of this wonderful encyclopedia, readers will be able to make an exciting journey into the world of science. The first stop on this interesting path will be to get to know our planet, its...
Vitaly Zapeka is not afraid to be frank. The collection of war prose includes the first male tears, and true love, and anecdotes and naturalistic essays from the trenches of Donetsk region, and a story...
Auschwitz, 1943. Fourteen-year-old Jewish girl Dita Adlerova finds herself in the family unit of the death camp. Pain, dirt, hunger and despair - this place is permeated with grief and hopelessness. But...
Welcome to the magical world of books, where two interesting stories about unusual friends await you.The first one is about... hats who live a full life: they communicate, travel, rest, play hide and seek,...
So, you're 18, 25 or 30+. You're not a child anymore, but you still don't have the feeling of adulthood, as it is imagined: they say, you should have a clear plan for everything and you should be ready...
Михайло Коцюбинський - вiдомий український письменник ХIХ - початку ХХ столiття. Вiн народився 17 вересня 1864 у Вiнницi. Майбутнiй письменник навчався в духовному училищi в мiстi Шаргород. Книги Марка...
In 2014, Russia illegally annexed Crimea, created a separatist movement in Donbas, and then attacked Ukraine with its regular army and special forces. In each case of Russian aggression, the US response...
Winter enveloped the tribes, leaving in the wake of the Holy War the burnt Katakla, the betrayed Toriati and the ruined state of Nakar. Ethan Nakara flees to Mithrina, where, in order to save the tribe,...
During a storm in Thunder Tenets, the Zhaivir" sank. Fable lost her mother and home at the same time. And later, her beloved West, who does not know that she was forcibly dragged to the "Selena". So now...
Jan lost the battle for the principality, but not the war. However, there is something more terrible. A cruel demon took possession of the bird, and now his friends are afraid of him, his young wife hates...
The criminal genius Kaz and his gang pulled off a deadly kidnapping and should have already shared a lot of money, but they had to fight for their lives again, because now only the lazy do not seek to...
What is it like to be the king of Elfheim, terrible, shining and powerful? Having a mortal girl as a queen who only wants to fight monsters and get into trouble? What is it like to grow up as a cruel prince,...
The exam and the first fears are behind us. The winged Artemis are ready to fight injustice again, to save the world ... and they are given the role of nannies of a wealthy lady and sent all the way to...
You don't need vowels to feel threatened. Creating his zvrk with the power of the first magic, Vorona has no idea that from now on he will have to follow the lead of the Dnieper creatures. Together with...
One night, the life of 12-year-old Silas turned into a nightmare: three horsemen took his father away. The boy is left alone with his worries. Unless there's a Gauntlet nearby, but he's a ghost. Life seems...
"Once upon a time, the town of Bryla in the Valley was wonderful and flourishing. But first, fires, and then destructive floods, which became a common phenomenon, changed it beyond recognition. The town...
The "incapable" children are a notorious class of losers, outsiders, and academic disasters. Aldo turns into the Incredible Hulk when he's angry; Parker didn't learn to read until eighth grade; Elaine...
This book was published in partnership with the UAnimals organization, and 5 hryvnias from the sale of each copy will be used to save animals. Kit Potap didn't really believe in people, and even less in...
This illustrated encyclopedia will reveal to young people the most interesting secrets of planet Earth:* what is the address of our planet in the universe;* which continents and oceans cover the Earth's...
Exercise your brainIt's time to sit on the phone, well, check your logical thinking. Are all tasks up to you? LabyrinthsInconsistenciesPuzzlesDifferencesAnd more...
"Somehow, magical creatures began to compete. But their worlds, unable to withstand that hertz, flew to pieces. Legendary creatures were forced to save themselves among people, and the house of "Wow!"...
Kitty Monroe was a gentle pet, but one day two-legged pests broke into her house - and the beauty had to change her habits and give the uninvited visitors a good night's sleep. The veteran cat Good would...
Almost everyone on Earth knows who Sherlock Holmes is. But not everyone knows that he has an equally talented descendant, Sherlock Holmes Fifth. Like his famous ancestor, little Holmes meets "his" Watson,...
Many hedgehogs have already been transported from Evan Island to the mainland. But hunting dogs continue to track the spiny animals. It turns out that there are those who believe that hedgehogs have no...
It's not the first year that Noel has been making money from illegal hunting and selling exotic animals. The woman was good at keeping everything a secret until several of her wards were on their heels....
Little Sonia is very happy: her best friend Liskulka is staying with her for the first time. Snowy can't fall asleep without a fairy tale, and Little Sonia doesn't know any, not even a tiny one. That's...
In the fall, Little Sonia hibernates for as long as seven months. That's why she never sees the last autumn leaf falling from the tree, doesn't know how the first snow smells and how it tickles her tummy...
Christmas is the most beautiful and kindest holiday of the year. But Little Sonya and Liskulka still haven't heard anything about it. This year, everything changed: the City Mouse came to their forest,...