"Пастораль" - концертная пьеса для гобоя и фортепиано известного российского композитора Юрия Буцко (1938-2015); лирические разделы чередуются в ней с виртуозными каденциями гобоя.
Публикуется впервые.
Second big organ book: The Russian images, legends, tales
Like the First Big organ book published in 2009, the Second book contains a number of the pieces (in this case - nine) united by a general idea....
This organ cycle is modeled after the ancient forms of Western luiropean instrumental music. The work, composed in 2003, is dedicated to the well-known organist L. Shishkhanova.
For students of music...
The published work of the famous Russian composer will undoubtedly attract the attention of the cellists with the beauty of the cantilena, the emotional richness, breadth and naturalness of the thematic...