Геннадий Иванович Банщиков (р. 1942) - один из самых значительных композиторов современной России. О нем пишут, его исполняют во многих странах мира. Успех его музыки - в тонком, вызывающем сочувствие...
Соната Альбана Берга (1885-1935) - одного из ведущих композиторов нововенской школы - написана в 1908 году и относится к числу "тональных" сочинений композитора. Несмотря на это, уже здесь мы находим гармонически...
Эта тетрадь - не просто сборник популярной музыки, но и своеобразный учебник для пианистов, позволяющий овладеть разнообразными приемами эстрадно- джазового исполнительства и одновременно окунуться в чарующую...
A. Griboedov. Two Waltzes
L. Boccherini. Minuet
М. Oginski. Polonaise
Р. Е. Bach. Solfeggio
L. Beethoven. Fur Elise (Bagatelle)
С. Saint-Saens. Swan from the suite 'Carnival of the Animals'
Есть такое понятие - ностальгическое чтение. Это когда человек читает давно знакомую книгу ради переживания чувств, испытанных когда-то в детстве или юности. Наверное, может быть и ностальгическое чтение...
1. M. Glinka. Khodit veter u vorot. Iz muzyki k pese
"Knjaz Kholmskij"
2. U vorot, vorot. Russkaja narodnaja pesnja
3. Gagilka. Ukrainskaja narodnaja pesnja
4. K. Karaev....
1. A. Gedike. Miniature.
2. D. Scarlatti. Aria
3. F. Mendelssohn. Song Without Words
4. A. Shuvalov. Melody.
5. G. Shearing. Lullaby.
6. M. Schmitz. Cood Mood
7. J. Tizol - D. Ellington....
The fifth issue of the Albom of the Young Musician is compiled of rarely edited pieces by the foreign and Russian composers. All of them are united by expressive and vivid musical language. As the stock...
The series of books, "The Cellist's Golden Repertoire", include major works from the world literature for the cello, which are the basis of both performers' and students' repertoires. Alongside the large-scale...
W. A. Mozart. Minuet. Arranged by W. Burmester
R. Wagner. Sheet From the Album. Random arrangement by A. Wilhelmi
I. Albeniz. Malaguena. Arranged by F. Kreisler
I. Stravinsky. Nightingale...
Romualds Kalsons (born on the 7 September 1936) is the remarkable figure amongst the panorama of the modern music culture in Latvia, being the composer, the pedagogue, the public benefactor and also the...
Those Evening Bells. Russian folk song. Lyrics by Thomas Moore, translation from English by I. Kozlov
The Fair Plaits. Music by A. Koposov, lyrics by Ju. Dantsyger
The Steppe All Around....
A collection of piano studies by the Polish composer and teacher largely used in educational practice. Рог students of music colleges and conservatoires.
The piano cycle "Fancies" by Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) may be called the edition of the composer's works, having been created during the years of his youth. So many years have passed since these...
The harp collection of the Compozitor publishing house St Petersburg is replenished this time with the Three Concert Pieces for harp by Sergei Slonimsky: The Chechen Rhapsody (1996), Two Tales (1990) -...
Борис Тищенко (1939-2010) - композитор, пианист, профессор Петербургской консерватории. Автор музыкально-сценических произведений, симфоний, концертов, вокально-оркестровых сочинений, камерно-инструментальной...
Obschie metodicheskie ukazanija
Postanovka pri igre na fagote
Polozhenie gub
Razvitie litsevykh myshts
Ob ispolnitelskom dykhanii
Smena dykhanija
Rol jazyka...
Your Honor, Miss Parting ... From the movie "White Sun of the Desert". Words by B. Okudzhava
Do not promise a young maiden ... From the movie "Star of Captivating Happiness". Words by B. Okudzhava
Sergey Slonimsky, one of the most outstanding Russian composers of our times does not need to be introduced to classical music fans. Encyclopaedic mind, one of the mist brilliant creative geniuses of epoch...
Д. Кабалевский
Маленькое скерцо
"Веселое путешествие"
Д. Шостакович
Полька. Из Первой балетной сюиты
Танец-скакалка. Из балета "Светлый...
Etude e-moll i Etude "Noch" otnosjatsja k tomu periodu tvorchestva A. K. Glazunova, kogda on byl uvlechen pianizmom Chopina i Lista. Gromovoj natisk etjuda e-moll i tonkaja zvukoizobrazitelnost etjuda...
Yuri FALIK (1936-2009) was the disciple of the acknowledged Stolyarsky music school in Odessa. Studying in the Leningrad conservatoire he acquired two specialities: cello (prof. A. Strimer) and composition...
The flamenco music originates from the Spanish region Andalusia (ancient Turdetania). This territory was undergoing the influence of various Eastern cultural strata (Byzantine, Grecian, Carthaginian, Phoenician,...
Graduating from the music school, my daughter Elena shared with me once her discomforts at the stage. Perhaps she was timid. So I decided to offer her a concerto for piano and orchestra, which I was going...
10 Jazz Melodies
1. Sacks of Fun
2. House Boat
3. All Right
4. Tiffy's Типe
5. Eager Yeager
6. Hop, Skip and Jump
7. Blue Waltz
8. Three- Already a Crowd
9. Hide- and- Seek
10. Bea's Flat
Three popular duets for two horns Otto Nicolai (1810-1849) - the famous German composer, conductor, singer, and pianist are published. A total of six are written. These duets can not only be useful as...