Okunev's original musical language is famous for diverse thematic range, subtle beauty of harmony and style in connection with constructive distinction, unconventional polyphonic approach as well as broad...
The composer German Grigoriyevich Okunev (1931-1973) is the distinguished representative of the Russian composition school during the second half of the 20ieth century. Okunev was born in Leningrad and...
The following edition is the first attempt to present a clear picture of the vocal chamber works by St. Petersburg composer German Grigorievich Okunev (1931-1973). With few exceptions, they are largely...
The composer German Grigoriyevich Okunev (1931-1973) is the distinguished representative of the Russian composition school during the second half of the 20ieth century. Okunev was born in Leningrad and...
The composer German Grigoriyevich Okunev (1931-1973) is the distinguished representative of the Russian composition school during the second half of the 20ieth century. Okunev was born in Leningrad and...
Герман Окунев (1931-1973) - ленинградский композитор, пианист, музыковед, ученик Б. Клюзнера, О. Евлахова, Д. Шостаковича, преподаватель Ленинградской консерватории. Среди его лучших произведений - Концерт...
The piano cycle "The North's Echoes" (op. 37) was created by German Grigoryevich Okunev (1931-1931) in that happy 1966. Later on March 10, 1967, the author presented it at the Leningrad Philharmonic Maly...
The Sonatina for trumpet and piano by German Okunev (1931-1973) was composed in 1961. This brilliant concert piece of art may be doubtlessly referred to the most distinguished modern works.