Nadezhda. The Hope: textbook for c ourses of Russian as a foreign language (B1+/B2). Issue 1.
Part 1. We can not live without each other.
Part 2. We are to grow to a hudred without getting old.
We read poems by Russian poets. Level B1 - B2
The book introduces the most popular pieces of Russian poets of XIX - XX centuries. It contains not adapted text, comments, pre text exercises, keys...
Level: B1 - B2
THE DIFFICULTIES OF RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. Russian grammar exercises for foreigners. The manual includes exercises for grammar themes usually causing...
Настоящий учебный комплекс включает в себя учебник и рабочую тетрадь, а также бесплатный электронный ресурс на сайте издательства. В дальнейшем предполагается выпуск аудио-и видеоприложения.
Он адресован...
Let's review for a Russian language test.
Level 1 (TORFL-1) - B1
Common language
3 edition
Audio materials are available by QR code in textbook edition 2019 and next editions.
Russian class. Workbook. Student's book. Basic level
The student's book should be used together with the teacher's book. All lessons from the teacher's book have a set of communicative exercises, both...
Пособие предназначено для иностранных учащихся, которые готовятся к освоению профессиональной образовательной программы медико-биологического профиля, и может использоваться на подготовительных факультетах...
Учебное пособие для иностранных учащихся медицинских, фармацевтических и биологических специальностей
Пособие предназначено для занятий с иностранными студентами и аспирантами медико-биологического профиля...
This reader presents stories for children by contemporary Russian writer Tanya Bering, including "Volontery" (Volunteers), "Privet Vsem!" (Hello to Everyone!), "Master-Klass ili Chudesa Perevoda (Master...
Учебное пособие. Адаптированый текст детективного романа Татьяны Устиновой. (2300 слов с опорой на лексический минимум уровня В1). Ударения, вопросы и задания, ключи, англо-русский словарь, иллюстрации.
Пособие предназначено для иностранцев, владеющих русским языком в объёме I сертификационного уровня. Основная цель пособия - формирование и развитие у учащихся языковых и речевых навыков и умений, необходимых...
Сказки и былины, наиболее известные литературные произведения, памятники искусства Древней Руси и России - такой материал найдет читатель в этой книге. Она состоит из небольших занимательных рассказов...
The series "Listen" is meant for training of listening comprehension and contains authentic Russian texts. The series is for levels A1-B1.
Every part contains a video DVD and textbook.
The series is...
The video files are saved on the DVD as a PowerPoint file, the viewing of the files require the QuickTime extension.
Tsel posobija - razvitie umenij i navykov audirovanija i govorenija na osnove autentichnykh...
This short, beautiful work tells the story of the sincere love of an intellectual from the city and a young girl who lives in the forest. This book is about how fate cannot be changed.
The text has been...
GOLDEN NAMES OF RUSSIA: Vladimir Majakovskij
The textbook is devoted to the life and work of the famous XX century Russian writer Vladimir Majakovskij and consists of a book for reading and a educational...
Attention! The supplementary DVD is free of region categorization. It can be watched with any standard European player (PAL system).
"Galina Ulanova" is the unique teaching book in the series "The Golden...
A Russian language vocabulary course to expand the active vocabulary. Contains a variety of material: illustrations, crosswords, language tasks, speech exercises.
The vocabulary studied includes topics...
This book presents texts of various genres: literature texts, biography texts, historical, scientific texts as well as fairy tales and jokes. The book is funny and interesting. It gives much information...
RUDOLFIO. The adapted text of the popular novel (2300 words in concordance with lexical minimum of the 1st certification level. The text supplies with the stress, questions and tasks, including testes,...
'This text book has English as teaching language. All excersizes are given in English. A modern text book for non-beginners learning Russian for everyday business life.
Наша туса 9. Русский язык для школьников.
Nasha tusa 9
A-venäjän sarja Meidän jengi johdattaa oppilaat venäjän kieleen nuorten omaan elämänpiiriin kuuluvien asioiden avulla. Sarjaan kuuluu kolme kirjaa....
Horosho 3-4 on tarkoitettu keskivaiheen oppikirjaksi perusopetuksen pitkän venäjän (A1 ja A2) lukijoille. Se on jatkoa sarjan alkeisoppikirjalle 1-2. Kirjassa seurataan kaksosten Markin ja Veran suomalais-venäläisen...
Ponjatno! 3 kattaa lukion kurssit 7-8. Näillä kursseilla harjoitetaan edelleen puhevalmiuksia sekä muita kielen osa-alueita. Seitsemännessä kurssissa tutustutaan Siperian kaupunkeihin (Krasnojarsk, Omsk,...
The practice book addresses common grammar and usage issues of the Russian verb that are challenging for non-native learners. The book contains drills and exercises that optimise the understanding of the...
Second book
Level A2-B1
The Story Provocation: For learners of the Russian language (yes, yes, for you too!)
Russian language textbook (Russian readers or Russian easy readers) for Elementary/Pre-Intermediate...
This reader presents comic stories by the famous Russian writer Anton Chekhov, including "Moi Zheny" (My Wives), "Radost" (Joy), "Smert Chinovnika" (The Death of a Government Clerk), "S Zhenoj Possorilsja"...