Symphony Н minor No 8 is one of the mostly often performed compositions by Franz Schubert (1797-1828). The symphony dates 1822. As а tradition, the symphony consisting of two movements...
It happened in 1936, when Sergei Prokofiev composed music to the film "Queen of Spades" after A. S. Pushkin's story of the same name according to the producer Mikhail Romm's order. However, the work was...
New Collected Works of Dmitri Shostakovich. Vol. 32. Tahiti Trot, op. 16. Two Pieces by Domenico Scarlatti, op. 17. Suite No. 1 & 2 for Jazz Orchestra, sans op. Ceremonial March, sans op. German March,...
Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) belongs to the galaxy of the most prominent modern composers in Russia. His creations - both orchestral and chamber ones - are distinct for profundity, rebellious spirit,...
Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) belongs to the galaxy of the most prominent modern composers in Russia. His creations - both orchestral and chamber ones are distinct for profundity, rebellious spirit,...
Grigory Korchmar (born in 1947) got his higher musical education at the Leningrad (St Petersburg) State Conservatoire. His teachers were Vadim Salmanov (composition) and Pavel Serebryakov (piano). Being...
145 mm x 205 mm
Aleksandr Porfirevich Borodin (1833-1887), russkij kompozitor i uchenyj-khimik. Aktivno zanimalsja nauchnoj, pedagogicheskoj i obschestvennoj dejatelnostju. S 1874 goda rukovodil khimicheskoj...
145 mm x 205 mm
Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) - the Austrian composer, conductor, opera producer. His creative activity took place in тяпу places. Fmm 1880 he conducted different opera theatres in Austro-Hungary,...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
145 mm x 205 mm
The symphony "From the New World" in Е minor, ор 95. by Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904) was edited as the fifth one during his life. The composition was written in 1893 аль firstly performed...
Сергей Михайлович Слонимский (р. 1932) - один из интереснейших отечественных композиторов настоящего времени, автор произведений во всех жанрах: от опер и симфоний до музыки кино.
Тринадцатая симфония...
Петр Ильич Чайковский (1840-1893) - русский композитор, педагог, музыкальный журналист. Один из самых известных в мире русских композиторов - и один из первых русских музыкантов, чье...
Suite "Shekherazade" was created on the base of the Arabian tales "1001 Nights", being one оГthe most significant symphonic compositions by N. А. Rimsky-Korsakov. It's appearance dates...
The Fifth symphony by Р. I. Tchaikovsky was composed during the period of Мау - August 1888. The first performance took place in Petersburg at the concert of the Philharmonic Society...
145 mm x 205 mm
"Классическая симфония" D-dur, соч. 25, написана С. С. Прокофьевым в 19!6-1917 годах и посвящена Б. В. Асафьеву. Основная работа над симфонией относится к 1917 году. В "Автобиографии"...
В настоящем издании партитура публикуется в максимально возможном соответствии с фонограммой фильма и может быть использована для оркестрового сопровождения демонстрации фильма. Основная работа по воссозданию...
Издание содержит музыку к одной из первых лент Г. Козинцева и Л. Трауберга (1929). Это композиторский кинодебют Шостаковича. Партитура содержит восемь разделов, соответствующих частям фильма "Новый Ва...
Revising "La Divina Commedia" I used to ask myself the following questions. What was the reason of Dante to have lost Beatrice? What led him to loneliness, banishment and journey to the other world? The...
Anatoly Aleksandrovich Korolyov (born in 1949) is one of the most original and diverse among the modern composers, graduate of the Petersburgian conservatoire, where he studied choir conducting and composition...
145 mm x 205 mm
The "Preludes" (to Lamartine) is ranked among the summits of the symphonic роеm genre, so very significant for Franz Liszt (1811-1886). It was in 1844, when the "Preludes" music was...
Это еще одна работа знаменитого петербургского педагога, автора многочисленных методических изданий для работы с учениками детских музыкальных школ. Данное сочинение предназначено для работы со школьным...
The composer, pianist and teacher Alexander Yuryevich Radvilovich (born in 1955) originates from St.Petersburg. Having graduated from the Petersburg Conservatoire, where he studied composition at professor...
Alexander Konstantinovich Glazunov (1865-1936) originates from the family of the well-known Petersburgian publisher and bookseller. The Glazunovs company was the eldest one in Russia. Konstantin Ilyich,...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading composers belonging to the modern Russian music, the author of works in different genres, from operas and symphonies to cinema sound-tracks. ...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
Андрей Яковлевич Эшпай (р. в 1925 году) - композитор, пианист, выпускник Московской консерватории, автор балетов "Ангара" и "Круг", семи симфоний, других оркестровых, камерно-инструментальных, вокальных...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
145 mm x 205 mm
Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) - the Austrian composer, conductor, opera producer. His creattv activity took place ш many places. From 1880 he conducted different opera theatres in Austro-Hungary,...
145 mm x 205 mm
Ljudvig van Beethoven (1770-1827), velikij nemetskij kompozitor, svoim tvorchestvom okazavshij ogromnoe vlijanie na razvitie evropejskoj muzyki v XIX-XX vv.
Beethoven rodilsja v...
145 mm x 205 mm
The genre of symphony may be called the sphere of paramount importance in Ludwig van Beethoven's (1770-1827) creation. The nine symphonies seem to embrace аll the periods of the composer's...
145 mm x 205 mm
The genre of symphony may be called the sphere оf раmount importance in Ludwig van Beethoven's (1770-1827) creation. The nine symphonies seem to embrace аll the periods of the composer's...
145 mm x 205 mm
Fantasy "Francesca da Rimini" bу P. I. Tchaikovsky was created in 1876 after the idea of making the same name opera hadn' t сотеtrue. The premiere took place in Moscow on February 25,...
145 mm x 205 mm
The genre of symphony may be called the sphere о1'рагапюшй importance in Ludwig van.Beethoven's (1770-1827) creation. The nine symphonies sееm to embrace all the periods of the composer's...
145 mm x 205 mm
The genre of symphony may be called the sphere of paramount importance in Ludwig van Beethoven's (1770-1827) creation. The nine symphonies seem to embrace all the periods of the composer's...