Книга предлагает разнообразные адаптированные художественные тексты из произведений классической и современной литературы. Рекомендуется для аудиторных занятий по русскому языку как иностранному (2-3-й...
Level: B1
HOW DO WE FORM RUSSIAN ADJECTIVES. Adjectives enrich our speech with new brightness and impart some relish to it. Having mastered formation and use of adjectives you can regard yourself being...
A popular course of Russian for grown ups. The goal is maintenance of fast mastering of different aspects of language and kinds of speech activity. Grammatical and colloquial courses are combined. The...
The book of the known literary critic represents a cycle of the sketches show dramatic nature of creative destiny of the largest Russian writers, whose creativity was at time of the Soviet epoch, on...
THE GIRL OF A GOOD FAMILY. The book introduces one of the most popular modern writers. It contains not adapted text, comments, pre text exercises, keys to the exercises, vocabulary list and illustrations....
Lain ulkopuolella. Venäjän kielen opetusmateriaaleja. Osa 1.
Oppikirja sisältää lakitermejä ja arkielämän lakifraaseja, tehtäviä, kielioppia ja venäläis-englantilaista sanastoa. Aiheet ovat esim. auton...
The book is addressed to the students of low intermediate level. It offers to get to know Russian culture through Russian cuisine.
It contains scripts of reciepies, a wide range of exercises.
Предназначено для иностранных студентов I курса медицинских вузов. Развивает лексико-грамматические навыки на материале устной и письменной (чтение) профессиональной речи, ускоряет адаптацию студентов-иностранцев...
"ALTERNATIVE" PROSE. The book for reading with exercises
and commentaries for B2-C1 level gives content analysis of Russian modern writers as V.Piecyh, U.Koval, L.Petrushevskaja, T.Tolstaja,...
GOING TO THE MYSICAL THEATRE. The book for Russian learners includes the texts about the famous Russian theatres; short libretto of popular operas, ballets, musicals; biographies of composers and their...
(Venäjän kieli esikoululaisille. Suositteluja ja opetusmateriaaleja kaksikieliselle lastentarhalle).
Kirja sisältää erilaisia opetusmetodeja. Ohjelmat ovat tarkoitettuja kolmelle eri ikäryhmille: 3-4-vuotiaille,...
Level: B1
CORRECTIVE COURSE OF RUSSIAN GRAMMAR (30 lessons). The course is for foreign learners who have basic knowledge of Russian grammar and vocabulary of about 1000-1200 words. Contains grammatical...
Taso: B1
Kuinka muodostetaan venäjän verbejä? Oppkirja tarjoaa mielenkiintoisen ja helposti ymmärrettävän katsauksen venäjän verbien muodostamiseen, niiden morfologiaan, lauseenpainotukseen jne. Tehtävien...
It is very interesting! Book, methodical book in PDF format and CD
Reading-book for both reading with the adult and independent child reading. Consists of four parts. Illustrations. There is an audio-supplement...
THE VERB IS THE BASE OF ALL. A Guide-dictionary. Issue 2. A Guide-dictionary includes 476 vocabulary entries and bases on LEXICAL MINIMUM. Level One. Every entry contains forms of perfective and imperfective...
Taso: B1
Negaation ilmaiseminen venäjän kielessä. Oppikirja on tarkoitettu opiskelijoille, jotka osaavat venäjää jo kehittyneemmällä tasolla. Kirja avartaa opiskelijan tietämystä eri tarvoista ilmaista...
PRESENT -DAY RUSSIA. Texts and exercises. 25 texts from Russian newspapers about youth culture, attitudes to work, modes of entertainment and social problems in contemporary Russia. All materials are...
Аудиоприложение к первой части (уровень A1) основного курса русского языка для взрослых учащихся раличных форм обучения . Тексты, диалоги, фонетические упражнения озвучены профессиональными дикторами....
Аудиоприложение ко второй части (уровень А2) основного курса русского языка для взрослых учащихся различных форм обучения "Дорога в Россию".
Тексты, диалоги и фонетические упражнения озвучены профессиональными...
The study of Russian, a highly inflectional language, requires a sound understanding of the use of grammatical cases, prepositions and prepositional constructions with the oblique cases. The genitive case...
Let's go! 1.1 Russian for adults. A course for beginners: CD tekstikirjaan ja tehtäväkirjaan
Jos haluaisit ostaa Poekhali-oppikirjan äänitteen, mutta tietokoneessasi ei ole CD-asemaa, ota yhteyttä Ruslanian...
The dictionary includes 600 grammatical terms, accepted in traditional, formal and functional description of Russian Language, which also used in Russian textbooks for foreigners. The dictionary is recommended...
Level: Beginners A2-B1
VLADIMIR-2. The textbook. The textbook sets as the purpose to learn during short period of time an oral communication in Russian, to be able to understand and to keep conversation...
THE VERB IS THE BASE OF ALL. A Guide-dictionary. Issue 1. The first issue of the dictionary-directory includes 192 vocabulary entries and bases on "LEXICAL MINIMUM" of a base level of the general possession...
A story of two major centres of Russia in the middle ages, their centuries-old history and rich culture.
The supplement contains a full script in PDF format, a wide range of lexical and grammatical exercises,...
A corrective pronunciation course addresses the needs of learners of different background. The main focus of the course is to practise pronunciation at the level of sentences and texts. A great attention...