ISBN 978-1-934708-26-2
Even before being released Alexey Balabanov s new film Cargo 200 attracted much attention in the press. The critics unanimously acknowledge Cargo 200 as one of the most significant...
Siperian parturi (suom.) Nuori Douglas tulee Venäjälle 1885 myymään keksimäänsä ihmeellistä metsäkonetta. Hänen avustajansa Jane rakastuu upseeriin, joka on tuomittu Siperiaan 10 vuodeksi.
ABBYY Lingvo x6 - your reliable language companion!
ABBYY Lingvo x6 is a new generation of electronic dictionaries which combines reliable content, powerful word look-up and intuitive software in a single...
The textbook is a part of the educational complex "Origins". The complex is addressed to children 8-10 years old who know Russian language in the volume of colloquial and everyday vocabulary and practical...
Uudistetussa Suomen mestari 2 -oppimateriaalissa on ajanmukaiset teemat ja sisällöt. Oppimateriaali tarjoaa jatkossakin selkeän ja kattavan perusmateriaalin, joka soveltuu monen eri kohderyhmän S2-opetuksen...
Russian for English speaking students: intermediate level.
This is an intermediate Russian course designed for the adults. It can be studied both with a teacher and independently. Theoretical explanations,...
Film critic Anton Dolin's book "An Act of Defiance. The Films of Jafar Panahi" is about the Iranian director, whose nine out of ten films were banned in his homeland, and all ten won awards from the world's...
SUOMI SUJUVAKSI 1 on kokeneen opettaja Marjukka Kenttälän laatima monipuolinen ja kielitaidon luonnollista kehittymistä tehokkaasti edistävä oppikirja suomea toisena tai vieraana kielenä opiskeleville.
This book serves the interests of the children of compatriots living abroad. The story describes funny adventures of a girl and a boy and is accompanied by interesting exercises to help the children to...
Russian language: 5 elements: level A1 (elementary).
Äänitteitä saa QR-koodilla, joka löytyy oppikirja vuoden 2021 painoksesta ja seuraavista painoksista.
7. painos
Ratkaisut löytyvät kirjasta.
Ten stories: A reading book.
This reading book acquaints foreign students with works of such Russian writers as Bunin, Averchenko, Teffi, Aldanov and others. The lexical material which is out of the first...
1B. Zero level.
The objective Sogang Korean 1B: Workbook is to assist readers to improve their communication skills in the Korean language. The format of the textbook and the workbook allows the learner...
Venäläinen luokka. Oppikirja. Alkutaso A2-B1.
Oppikirja on tarkoitettu 12-16-vuotiaille oppilaille, jotka opiskelevat venäjän kieltä toisena tai kolmantena kielenä. Oppikirja on tarkoitettu 120-140 tuntia...
In the world of mass media: a manual of listening skills development based on the material of the mass media' language (advanced level) Part 1
The materials of the book intends for the foreign students...
Festive Overture Op. 96 was written by D. Shostakovich in 1947 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the October Revolution. The brilliant score and precision of expressive means together with the bravura...
The collection of concert pieces is the part of the well-known bundle of educational aids "To Music with Joy", most popular among both teachers and children. This is the rising thirst for good piano ensemble...
The book of Samuil Feinberg, the outstanding Soviet pianist and pedagogue, professor at the Moscow Conservatory in the class of special piano, has become an invaluable guide to many generations of musicians...
Popular instrumental miniatures by the great Russian composcr in arrangement for flute and piano by the well-known Russian pianist Boris Bekhterev: Autumn Song, In the Troika, Christmas-Tide.
For students...
This new study-guide is a continuation of the Primer's first book. Includes exercises, studies, and pieces. For elementary grades of children's music schools.
These volumes are the first releases of an ambitious series started in 1999 by DSCH, the exclusive publisher of the works of Dmitri Shostakovich. Each volume contains new engravings; articles regarding...
For chorus and orchestra. - Russian words. Extensive postscript with notes on the composition in Russian and English. Includes handwritten sketches and sketches as score.
Uudistettu Suomen mestari 1.
Uudistetussa Suomen mestari 1 -oppimateriaalissa on ajanmukaistetut ja aiempaa laajemmat sisällöt. Oppimateriaali tarjoaa jatkossakin selkeän ja kattavan perusmateriaalin,...