Ivan Alexandrov is a pianist and composer, the winner of many international piano and composition competitions. He was born in village Mikhailovka (Kursk region) in 22 January1987, in the family of teachers....
The represented publication is closely attached to the series "All Family at the Piano". This is the kind of an educational aid on the ensemble music making, which unites two collections of pieces by the...
Иоганн Себастьян Бах (Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-1750) - великий немецкий композитор, органист, педагог. Непревзойдённый мастер полифонии. В его творчестве представлены практически все жанры той эпохи...
Igor Stanislavovich Vorobyov (born 1965) - composer, musicologist, graduate of the Leningrad Choir College and the Leningrad Conservatoire, member of the Russia Composers' Union, Doctor of Arts, assistant...
This is the piano creation of the composer Boris Tishchenko to be getting under listeners' and performers' skin without fail. The features peculiar to it are rarely inherent in piano music on the whole...
The 27 etudes for hautboy solo are intended mainly for those musicians who are anxious to form the educational conception of their individual technical style. The performing and pedagogical practice revealed...
Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) is the true giant entering the galaxy of the modern composers. That was the centripetal radical innovation peculiar to the music of the 20th century - the significant hard...
Boris Tishchenko (born in 1939) is the true giant entering the galaxy of the modern composers. That was the centripetal radical innovation peculiar to the music of the 20th century - the significant hard...
New collection "Album for kids" contains easy processing of national melodies done by famous bayan player and teacher A. Sudarikov. For learning in music schools and home amateurs.
The Sonata No. 3 for piano is ranked among the most fanciful one of all the others. This is the kind of an experience in both structural and thematic spheres, expressed by means of miraculous graphic of...
The cycle "Twenty Four Preludes for Piano" op. 34, composed by D. D. Shostakovich in the beginning of the 1930ies has been taking central positions in piano concert programs of students and mature performers....
A. Cesti. ARIA "Tu mancavi a tormentarmi"
A. Vivaldi. ARIA OF FARNACE "Gelido in ogni vena". From the opera "Farnace". Libretto by A. Lucchini
G. F. Händel. ARIA "Solo per voi tra mille"....
The main personage of this collection is the Jewish folklore having attracted its researcher Dmitri Zolotnitsky for a long time. It began in far 1960ies, when Zolotnitsky, the student of the music college...
Работая над данной хрестоматией, составители отказались от ранее бытовавшего принципа непременного охвата всех жанров и не включили в ее состав этюды и ансамбли. Сделано это с одной-единственной целью...
Nelli Berditchevskaia (born in 1942) is a violinist. She graduated from the Leningrad conservatoire in 1965. Her teachers were professors V. I. Sher, M. M. Komissarov, T. L. Fidler. She worked as a violinist...
A piano miniature is, as is known, the favorite genre of European composers. During the age of romanticism, it established one of the two main evolutionary paths of the musical art, the path that was opposite...
With a few exceptions, the songs in this book are introduced in positions where the melody can be played with natural harmonics. Playing the melodies with natural harmonics before using stopped fingering...
A. Scarlatti. ARIETTE "Nel giardino della speme"
A. Lotti. ARIA "Pur dicesti, o bocca bella". From the opera "Arminio"
G. F. Händel. ARIA OF ALCINE "Ah, mio cor, schernito sei". From the...
I would like to introduce my pieces for solo viola. Technically the idea of composing instrumental pieces for solo viola came from my professor of composition Sergei Slonimsky. ...
The publication "Anthology. The Russian Secular Choir Music a Cappella. XIX - early XX" is the educational aid on the subject "History of the Russian Choir Music" intended for the students of the choir-conducting...
"Sadko" is an opera-bylina in seven scenes by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. The libretto was written by the composer with assistance from V. Stasov, V. Belsky, V. Shtrup, V. Yastrebtsev. The premiere took place...
В издание включены сочинения композитора-классика XX века: Песня-поэма и Танец. Для студентов музыкальных училищ и консерваторий, а также для концертирующих исполнителей.
Серия "Наше старое кино" посвящена популярным песням из любимых кинофильмов прошлых лет и охватывает период с тридцатых до восьмидесятых годов XX века. Эти песни и сегодня часто звучат с различных концертных...
Издание симфонии молитв "Рече Господь" петербургского композитора и хорового дирижера Сергея Екимова будет не только востребовано профессиональными хоровыми коллективами России, ближнего и дальнего...
S. Shilin. Introductory Notes
Zhanneta Lazarevna Metallidi was born on June 1, 1934 in Leningrad. In 1960 she graduated from the Petersburg Conservatoire, where she studied composition at G. I. Ustvolskaya and O. A. Yevlakhov (disciples...
On the 29th of June 2005 Chairman of St. Petersburg Union of Composers Andrey Petrov invited those who were the pupils of Shostakovich in his later years - the post-graduates of the 1960s Gennady Belov,...
Easy etudes by the well-known Russian composer and teacher, Professor of the Gnesin Academy of Music (Moscow) Ivan F. Pushechnikov (1918 - 2010). For pupils of music school 1 - 3.
The collection includes popular miniatures by the classical composer of the 20th century. arranged for trumpet and piano. Intended for students of music schools.
S. Poddubny. JOLLY SONG
1. Street Organ ...
Andrey Petrov (1930-2006) was born in Leningrad. In 1954 he graduated from the Leningrad Conservatoire, where he studied composition at professor O. A. Yevlakhov's class. Among the titles he was awarded...
"Памяти жертв Первой мировой войны". Такое посвящение предпослано оратории А.Д. Кастальского "Братское поминовение" для солистов, хора и оркестра. "Первая мировая война... Только сейчас, спустя сто лет,...
Александр Лазаревич Локшин (1920-1987) - заслуженный деятель искусств России (1983), автор 11 симфоний, монооперы "Три сцены из "Фауста" (1980), кантаты "Мать скорбящая" (1977) на стихи из Реквиема А....
Do Not Tempt Me Needlessly.
Tell Me Why...
Mio ben ricordati (Souvenir).
Cradle Song.
The Lark.
You Will Not Return. Duettino.
'I Love' Was Your Assurance.
The Leafy...