Veniamin Yefimovich Basner (January 1, 1925, Yaroslavl - September 3, 1996, St.Petersburg) - the distinguished composer, People's Artist of Russia, recipient of the State Prize, whose creation has undoubtedly...
Dmitri Valentinovich Smirnov (born in 1952) is the Petersburgian composer, whose passion is choral and pedagogical activity. The "Compozitor Publishing House * St Petersburg" has already edited his collection...
Yury Falik is one of the most performed St Petersburg composers. His musical style is crisp and clear, open emotional attitude and poetic musical language ensure the success that his works always had...
Nikolai Ivanovich Moskalenko was born in Leningrad, in 1933. During the years of studying he began to be passionately interested in percussion instruments - that was the beginning of his future creative...
This cycle of seven piano miniatures was composed in 1960 and belongs to Denisov's early period. The pieces are vivid and spirited, their rhythmic and harmonic idiom is quite distinctive; at the same time...
This guide includes adoptations of folk songs, creations of national and foreign composers' creations.This study guide is intended for use in the class of chrorus conducting during the third year of study...
The "Chorus laboratory. XXI century" collection (issue 1) includes creations sent from different cities of Russia and former USSR to the II open nationwide composers' competition "Russian music of the...
W. A. Mozart. Majskaja pesnja
P. Tchaikovsky. Sharmanschik poet (iz "Detskogo alboma")
M. Starokadomskij. Veselye puteshestvenniki
E. Vila Lobos. Toporik
Zh. Kont. Tirolskaja...
Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, Op. 29 (Russian: Леди Макбет Мценского уезда, romanized: Ledi Makbet Mtsenskogo uyezda.
The composer in 1962 revised Lady Macbeth, renaming it Katerina Izmailova (Russian: Катерина...
145 mm x 205 mm
Sergej Ivanovich Taneev (1856-1915) - vydajuschijsja russkij kompozitor, pedagog, pianist, uchenyj, muzykalnyj dejatel. Vypusknik Moskovskoj konservatorii po klassam fortepiano (prof....
The edition contains exercises for saxophone written by the well-known Russian saxophonist, clarinetist and teacher Aleksandr Rivchun (1914-1974).
For pupils of children's music schools and students of...
The "Compozitor Publishibg House * St. Petersburg" already used to publish the collections of four hands pieces for ensemble playing. These are favourite widely known compositions.
This time young...
Sergei Yekimov (*1974) - composer, conductor, member of the Russia Composers' Union and Concert Workers' Union of St. Petersburg, art director of the International Choral Art Festival "The Singing World",...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
Урок сольфеджио постоянно нуждается в обновлении музыкального материала. Разнообразие упражнений способствует более качественному усвоению изучаемых тем.
В основном разделе данного сборника представлены...
Эдуард Николаевич Артемьев родился в 1937 году в Новосибирске. Первоначальное музыкальное образование получил в Московском хоровом училище. В 1960 году окончил Московскую консерваторию по классу композиции...
Music to the performance "Egyptian Nights" of the Moscow Chamber Theatre was created by Sergei Prokofiev in 1933.
The enstaging was realized by A. Ya. Tairov according to his own scenic composition,...
Three Pieces for Piano: Promenade, Landscape and Pastorale Sonatina, op. 59 were composed in 1933-1934, having been performed by Prokofiev himself in London in 1934.
This is the first publication of a piano version of Vivaldi's string concerto known also in Bach's arrangement for organ. The transcription for piano and string orchestra, realized by the American pianist...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
Guennady Vavilov (born in 1932) is the great composer being awarded the titles "People's Artist of Karelia", "Honoured Art Worker of Russia", professor of the Glazunov State Conservatoire in Petrozavodsk.Those...
The well-known romances to words by D. Ratgauz ('We Sat Together', 'Again, as Before, Alone', 'The Sun Has Set') were composed in the last year of Tchaikovsky's life (1893) and dedicated to their performer...
Boris Tishchenko (1939-2010) belongs to the galaxy of the most prominent modern composers in Russia. His creations - both orchestral and chamber ones are distinct for profundity, rebellious spirit, elaborated...
It was in 1997, when the "Compozitor Publishing House Sankt Petersburg" issued the first circulation of the educational aid "To Music with Joy" by O. Getalova and I. Viznaya. The book enjoyed the great...
This playbook is a wide panorama of the pedagogical repertoire for the clarinet and the pianoforte. The three volume edition is comprised of both widely known transcriptions of the works by Beethoven,...
Перед вами - впервые опубликованный сборник, полный ярких, выразительных мелодий, сопровождаемых добрыми, талантливыми, остроумными стихами и рисунками. Автор сборника - Ольга Васильевна Белова - замечательный...
LEONID DESYATNIKOV born in 1955) is one of the most oroginal and widely performed among the Petersburgian composers. He is a graduate of the Leningrad Conservatory and a member of the Composers Union....
Андрей Павлович Петров (1930-2006) - советский и российский композитор, автор балетов, опер, симфонических произведений, инструментальных концертов, камерных сочинений, музыки к драматическим спектаклям....
Vladimir Mikhailovich Deshevov (1889-1955) is a prominent Russian composer, especially famous in Russia and abroad in the 1920s and 30s. Piano pieces are an important part of his artistic legacy. They...
Leonid Rezetdinov (*1961) is a recognizable composer, whose style is rather versatile. Among his opuses are three symphonies, ballets "Andrey Rublyov" and "Phantastic Dances of the Dolls", symphonic phantasias...
These are the first steps of clarinet studying to be rather labour-intensive for little ones. Isn't it hard to train breath, holding body and head, keeping up with hands, fingers and tongue, taking care...
This playbook is a wide panorama of the pedagogical repertoire for the clarinet and the pianoforte. The three volume edition is comprised of both widely known transcriptions of the works by Beethoven,...
Александр Дереникович Мнацаканян родился в Ереване в 1936 году. В 1961 году окончил Петербургскую консерваторию по классу композиции профессора О.А. Евлахова, а в 1964 году - аспирантуру под руководством...