Кантата "Над Родиной нашей солнце сияет" была завершена в Д.Д.Шостаковичем в сентябре 1952г. В ноябре 1952г. состоялась ее премьера и в Большом зале Московской консерватории..
Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт (1756-1791) - композитор, чье имя на протяжении двух столетий служит олицетворением музыки. Моцарт, причисляемый ныне к триаде великих венских классиков, начинал свою карьеру как...
Людвиг ван Бетховен (1770-1827) - великий немецкий композитор, пианист, дирижер. Последний венский классик, автор всемирно известных симфоний, концертов, оперы "Фиделио", квартетов и множества других сочинений...
English suites These six suites for keyboard are thought to be the earliest set that Bach composed. Originally, their date of composition was thought to have been between 1718 and 1720, but more recent...
Collected Works. Volume 12. Beatrice. Choreo-symponic cycliade in five symphonies. After "La Divina Commedia" by Dante Alighieri. For full symphony orchestra. Score. Dante-Symphony No 1 "Among the Living...
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Second big organ book: The Russian images, legends, tales
Like the First Big organ book published in 2009, the Second book contains a number of the pieces (in this case - nine) united by a general idea....
В основу настоящей публикации положено стеклографическое издание: Шостакович Д. Д. "Поэма о Родине". М.: Музфонд СССР, 1947, сверенное с автографом, хранящимся в РНММ, ф. 32, ед. хр. 81, и партитурой,...
Deeply lyrical in character and at the same time permeated with Russian folk song intonations, this symphony was created by Tchaikovsky immediately after he graduated from the St. Petersburg Conservatory,...
Творческие тетради задуманы как единый курс обучения импровизации, начиная с азов. Материал изложен системно, от простого к сложному. Ориентирован курс на обычных детей со средними способностями. Работать...
A cycle of ten romances, Op. 17, opens the mature period of S. I. Taneyev's (1856-1915) lyric vocal works. Written at different times, romances do not have internal unity, although while preparing the...
Ludvig Schytte (1848-1909) was a Danish composer and pianist. This book contain short etudes for the development and consolidation of both certain technical and the main performing qualities: willpower,...
Chamber vocal work by A. S. Arensky (1861-1906) is represented by more than 70 romances on lyrics by Apukhtin, Golenishchev-Kutuzov, Lermontov, Shchepkina-Kupernik and others. Arensky's musical language...
Edward Alexander MаcDowell (1860-1908) was a pianist and composer who played a significant role in the development of American academic music. His composer's personality was formed under the influence...
The album pieces for piano was compiled by the Russian scientist, organist and pedagogue Leonid Isaakovich Roizman (1915-1989). This collection includes clavier compositions by J.S. Bach and works for...
Scriabin's piano etudes, along with the etudes by Liszt, Chopin, Saint-Saens and others, combine educational purposes with deep musical content. The circle of images of a cycle of 12 edudes, Op. 8 (1894-1895)...
Хрестоматия полифонических пьес позволяет детям (учащимся пятых классов ДМШ) ознакомиться с доступными для их исполнения лучшими образцами мировой классики, а учителям - облегчить выбор педагогического...
Издательство "Композитор" публикует вальсы великого польского композитора-романтика и пианиста Фридерика Шопена (1810-1849). В них - и сокровенный лиризм, и глубокая психологичность, и праздничная танцевальность.
Сборник "Арфа. Хрестоматия. Педагогический репертуар. Третий год обучения" ориентирован на учащихся 3 класса или же 2 класса, но начавших обучение с подготовительной группы. Возраст учащихся в этих классах...
В творческом наследии Никколо Паганини (1782-1840) - итальянского скрипача-виртуоза и композитора - выделяются 24 каприса для скрипки соло (ор. 1). Опубликованные при жизни композитора, они вызвали недоумение:...
Popular instrumental cycle by the outstanding Russian composer Rodion K. Shchedrin, that brilliantly reveals the coloristic and virtuoso possibilities of the instrument. There are five parts of the Suite...
One of the most popular works of an outstanding Russian composer, one of the best Russian symphonies of the 19th century. The name "Bogatyrskaya" was given by V.V. Stasov.
Классическое пособие по работе над полифонией в фортепианных классах, созданное профессором И. А. Браудо - выдающимся органистом и педагогом. Включает наиболее популярные в педагогической практике сочинения...
Piano works undoubtedly dominate in children's music written by S. Slonimsky.
In these pieces the author reflect the world of the modern child with its characteristic emotions, aspirations, observations...
Series XII, Works for Piano
Volume 112
Op. 6
Op. w/o number.
"Prelude in D flat major"
Op. 87a, no. 15
"Merry March"
Op. w/o number
"He is one of the greatest piano composers, maybe even the greatest one himself", - said Miliy Alexeyevich Balakirev (1836-1910) about Fryderyk Chopin. "Chopin is a worldwide genius. Surely there were...
The most ambitious creation of Beethoven, one of the masterpieces of classical music. For the first time in the world musical practice, human voices were introduced into an orchestral composition - the...
One of the most popular, frequently performed symphonic works by Tchaikovsky. In the center of this lyric-psychological musical drama is the same theme as in Beethoven's 5th symphony - man and fate.
This symphony, called "Eroica" by the author and which has become one of his favorite creations, is one of the most popular works of the great composer.
Reprinted from: Beethoven L. Symphonies No. 1-5:...
The publication presents nine romances by Tchaikovsky arranged for cello and piano by People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor V.K. Tonha.
The penetrating lyricism and melodic charm of the...
Созданный Анатолием Константиновичем Лядовым в 1906 году цикл миниатюр для симфонического оркестра "Восемь русских народных песен", op. 58, - признанный образец русской музыкальной классики.
В настоящем...
Сборник "Арфа. Хрестоматия. Педагогический репертуар. Четвертый год обучения" ориентирован на учащихся 4 класса или же 3 класса, но начавших обучение с подготовительной группы. Возраст учащихся в этих...
Nelli Berditchevskaia (born in 1942) is a violinist. She graduated from the Leningrad conservatoire in 1965. Her teachers were professors V. Sher, M. Komissarov, T. Fidler. She worked as a violinist in...
The Flutist's Golden Repertoire contains the best samples from the world musical literature for the instrument. Every flutist - pupil, student, teacher or performer - ought to have this music in his or...
The Deka-VS Publishing House publishes in two volumes (50 and 51) the well-known and popular cycle "40 Songs by Franz Schubert for Piano by Alexander Dubuc" which has long become a rarity. The first 20...