This volume crystallises interconnectedness between history, memory and female authorship.Based on a discussion of censorship, Part I explores the figure of "the revolutionary woman" as manifestation of...
Timo Vihavainen i Irina Takala (red.): V sem'e edinoi: Natsional'naia politika partii bol'shevikov i ee osushchestvlenie na Severo-Zapade Rossii v 1920-1950
This publication analyzes the Finnish-Russian/Soviet relations from the middle ages to the present day. During these centuries the 1200 kilometre-long border between the two countries has changed repeatedly,...
In this collection of articles Juhani Ihanus gives a plethora of psychological ideas, insights and associations concerning Russian history, society and culture. Psychohistorical issues such as childrearing,...
Viestinnän opas venäjän kieltä käyttäville.- Osaan suomea ja venäjää, osaankohan myös kääntää ja tulkata? - Miksi jotkut suomennokset kuulostavat koukeroisilta tai kankeilta, venäjännökset taas töykeiltä...
This book is dedicated to the great German sociologist and political economist Max Weber (1864-1920) and his influence on Russian society; a topic which up to now has remained largely under researched....
This volume examines twentieth-century Russian woman saints' lives and deeds. In particular, the author differentiates between official and non-official literary and visual representations, and points...
The first part of the book describes the process of building a new socialist world in Karelia. The new political elite of Karelia came from Finland, dreaming of creating a socialist world with high economic...
Arja Rosenholm claims, that the new concept of realism, construed by the rhetorics of evolution and equality, strenghtened the male union of literature and masculinity. The 'new realism' was, in fact,...
Описание на финском языке:
Kyseessa on oikeusvertaileva tutkimus yritystoiminnan talousrikosten rangaistavuuden alasta eli rikosvastuukynnyksesta historiallisessa ja yhteiskunnallisessa kontekstissa Venajalla...
Russian forest peripheries have become highly contested environments in the globalising world. Foreign and domestic companies have been investing in production and extending their round-wood procurement...
Mikä on Venä jä? Joillekin Venä jä on suuri ja rikas kulttuurimaa, toisille taas ikiaikainen uhka ja sulkeutunut epä demokratia. Neuvostoliiton romahduksen jä lkeen Venä jä-tutkimus on painottunut kielteisiin...
Miten sukupuoli, seksuaalisuus ja suomalaisuus punoutuvat toisiinsa?
Nämä kysymykset yhdistävät tutkijoita, jotka liikkuvat kenttätöissä Venäjän kylissä ja kaupungeissa, pienyhteisöjen, liikkeiden ja...
In Czechoslovakia, the occupation of 1968 denoted the beginning of 'normalization', a political and societal stagnation that lasted two decades. Dissident initiative Charter 77 emerged in 1977, demanding...
This festschrift celebrates the 60th birthday of Markku Kivinen, director of the Aleksanteri Institute. In Part I, Social Theory, Uskali Mäki addresses the potential of scientific realism, Osmo Kivinen...
"One of the most pressing contemporary crises in Eurasia is the Soviet Union's legacy of environmental degradiation. Yet, scholarly examinations of how Russians viewed, utilized, or interacted with the...
Huhtikuussa 2006 tuli kuluneeksi sata vuotta Venäjän poliittisen järjestelmän siirtymisestä valtiokäsitykseen, jonka pohjaksi oli asetettu perustuslaki. Vuoden 1906 myöhäisen alun jälkeen Venäjällä, Neuvostoliitossa...
The nature of the phenomenon called Stalinism has since long been subject to debates among historians, philosophers and political theorists. Although the scholars have agreed on many of its main traits...
Finland was the only developed market economy to trade with the Soviet Union on a bilateral basis until the collapse of central planning. In contrast with Eastern European countries, Finnish authorities...
Abstract in Finnish: Abstract in Finnish: Venäjän tutkimuksen professori Timo Vihavaiselle omistetun juhlakirjan artikkelit kattavat ajallisesti periodin 1800-luvun alusta nykyhetkeen saakka. Artikkelit...
Various perspectives and insights on the development of former Yugoslavia by specialists of wide range: security policy (Pekka Visuri), linguistics (Juhani Nuorluoto), cultural anthropology (Teuvo Laitila),...
Can a Finnish judicial document be served to an addressee who resides in Russia? How can a foreign court hear a Russian witness? And does judicial cooperation with Russia differ from cooperation with other...
Neuvostovalta kä ytti kaunokirjallisuutta oman valtansa pö nkittä miseen.Bolsevikit aloittivat heti vallankumouksen puhjettua ankaran sensuurin.Valtion sensuurilaitoksen (Glavlit) lisä ksi tä rkeitä koneiston...
This collection of essays in honour of Professor Leo Granberg presents fourteen scholarly contributions to rural studies as well as questions of economical and social transition in Finland and Central...
This book is a joint statement by a team of Latvian and Finnish researchers, discussing the Baltic states' foreign policy priorities and the EU and NATO enlargement process. Baltic security issues are...
During the past decade, emergence of 'regionalism' has been lively debated - some see it as an opportunity for re-strengthening Russia, whilst for others it merely appears as a source of state disintegration...
This edition brings together the proceedings of the 4 th Aleksanteri Conference held in November 2004: "DEMOCRACY IN RUSSIA AND THE CIS - CONCEPTS, CHALLENGES AND VISIONS"
Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton vä lisen clearing-kaupan romahduksesta ja sen jä lkeisistä vapaan kaupan odotuksista on koottu yksityiskohtainen raportti.Satu Karhapää-Puhakan laatimassa "Kauppaa yli rajan -...
Articles by Tony Alabaster, Joan DeBardeleben, Lassi Heininen, Kimberley Heuckroth, Timo P. Karjalainen, Ilmo Massa, Boris Segerståhl, Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen, Natalia Yakovleva, Oleg Yanitsky