CD for textbook
This set include textbook, workbook and CDs for each of them. All parts must be ordered separately.
Two recordings, one containing
listening comprehension exercises, the other pronunciation
exercises.There is different exercises for each level of knowledge. The appliance can be used with all kinds...
Разноцветная таблица-подсказка поможет быстрее выучить склонение личных и притяжательных местоимений. Она показывает взаимосвязь склонения прилагательных и притяжательных местоимений.
Рекомендуются для...
Москва - город особенный для каждого русского человека. Столица России, ее финансовый, деловой и культурный центр, Москва имеет богатую многовековую историю и уникальную культуру. История города начинается...
Beginner Russian Approach to Russian language learning. Elementary level. Textbook
The "Dialog" manual (elementary level) is suitable for older adolescent and adult learners who seek proficiency in Russian...
There was an old man standing on the seashore. He was holding a little toy ship with scarlet sails. He was looking at Assol's toy with a great interest. His name was Egl, and he was a famous writer.
One of Pushkin's most popular and chilling stories, 'The Queen of Spades' tells of a young man who develops a dangerous obsession in pursuit of the wealth...
Textbook "Hello, Russia" for Russian as a foreign language, textbook for the basic level of TBU,
level A2 according to the European Language Portfolio system.
A Russian language vocabulary course to expand the active vocabulary. Contains a variety of material: illustrations, crosswords, language tasks, speech exercises.
The vocabulary studied includes topics...
Invitation to Russia. Workbook. Part 1. (Including CD)
Priglashenije v Rossiju: it's a series of text books and exercises:
There are two text books (+CD) and two exercise books (+CD). Each one of them...
"Passport to Russia" is a complete course in Russian intended for secondary and higher education as well as adult education, courses and private study.
The most important features of "Passport to Russia"...
Den lille ugglas trylleskole: russisk som morsmål fra A - O
Lillugglans magiska skola - en nationellt orienterad lärobok fär tvåspråkiga barn i Sverige och Norge. Med alfabetet som röd tråd genom boken...
This book presents texts of various genres: literature texts, biography texts, historical, scientific texts as well as fairy tales and jokes. The book is funny and interesting. It gives much information...
This is a communicative Russian course for English speaking adults at the very beginning of their learning.
The Student's book with audio CD, the Workbook and the Teacher's book with CD are sold separately....
Это пособие - первая часть учебно-методического комплекса "Русский букварь для мигрантов", в состав которого, наряду с настоящим учебным пособием, включены "Рабочая тетрадь для ученика", "Игровой мультимедийный...
This is a communicative Russian course for English speaking adults at the very beginning of their learning.
The book includes a CD.
The Student's book with audio CD,...
Книга включает в адаптированном виде одно из лучших произведений русской литературы XIX века. Тексты глав снабжены необходимыми комментариями и сносками. В каждом уроке есть грамматические и лексические...
See õpik on loodud neile, kes on alles alustanud vene keele õppimist, kuid see võib olla kasulik ka neile, kes soovivad oma algteadmisi värskendada ja praktikas kinnistada. Opikut saab kasutada nii õpetajaga...
Russian verbal prefixes. Practical course. Advanced level.
The present practical course is designed to deepen and activate the mastery of prefixed verbs. The material target students of various backgrounds,...
Suuren suosion heti ilmestyttyään saanut "Perejdem k delu! Käydäänpä asiaan!" on oppimateriaali työelämän venäjän perusteiden opiskeluun. Sen parissa opitaan ennen kaikkea puhumaan mutta myös kirjoittamaan...
Suuren suosion heti ilmestyttyään saanut "Perejdem k delu! Käydäänpä asiaan!" on oppimateriaali työelämän venäjän perusteiden opiskeluun. Sen parissa opitaan ennen kaikkea puhumaan mutta myös kirjoittamaan...
Kätevän kokoinen Aga, glagoly! auttaa venäjän verbimuotojen oppimisessa. Kirja sisältää venäjän yleisimmät verbit taivutuksineen. Kirjassa on venäjän keskeisimmät säännölliset ja epäsäännölliset verbit...
English version edited by Pirjo Salenius.
The Lestnitsa Steps book is a compact survival package for a business trip to Russia.
The first part of the book and the CD contain alphabetical exercises...
RUDOLFIO. The adapted text of the popular novel (2300 words in concordance with lexical minimum of the 1st certification level. The text supplies with the stress, questions and tasks, including testes,...
Dialog. Beginner Russian Approach to Russian language learning. Elementary level. Workbook
The work book is an integral part of the learning method "Dialog" (beginner level). It allows the students to...
Пособие по грамматике, рассчитанное на англоговорящих студентов и стажёров продвинутого уровня владения языком (В2), содержит коммуникативные и творческие задания по морфологии и синтаксису русского языка....
"Давайте дружить!" - хрестоматия для младших школьников. В ней представлены литературные произведения из школьной программы по внеклассному чтению в 1-4 классах: стихи и рассказы классиков и современных...
Sekret uspeha perehdyttää lukijansa monipuolisesti nyky-Venäjän liikekieleen ja liike-elämän käytänteisiin. Pääpaino on suullisessa kielitaidossa. Kurssi edellyttää vain suppeaa venäjän kielen taitoa.