Osmo Jussila, The Tragedy of the Soviet Union: From Utopia to the Gulag Archipelago – (in Finnish)
Why did a wondrous utopia turn into horrendous tragedy and a realm of evil?
In this incisive and intelligent work, an accomplished historian reveals the causes for the collapse of the Soviet Union.
In the Soviet Utopia, work was supposed to free citizens from deprivation and workers from oppression. But the promised paradise was exposed as a hell that meant forced labour, tyranny, and bullets in the back of the neck for millions.
The old class system was replaced by a new one.
Was the utopia impossible? Who was behind everything? In his chilling analysis, Professor Osmo Jussila proposes that the greatest culprit was V.I. Lenin, a skilled agitator and demagogue but almost utterly inept as the architect of a new society – and a fanatic on the same scale as Hitler.
Emeritus professor of political history Osmo Jussila (b. 1938) is an internationally recognised researcher and a nonfiction author specialising in Finno-Russian and Finno-Soviet relations.
Neuvostoutopiassa työ piti vapauttaa riistosta ja työläiset sorrosta. Luvattu taivas paljastui helvetiksi, joka merkitsi miljoonille pakkotyötä, sortovaltaa ja niskalaukauksia. Vanhan luokkajaon tilalle tuli uusi.Oliko utopia mahdoton? Kuka oli kaiken takana? Professori Osmo Jussila nostaa hyytävässä analyysissaan suurimmaksi syylliseksi V.I. Leninin, joka oli hyvä agitaattori ja demagogi, mutta lähes kyvytön uuden yhteiskunnan rakentajana - ja Hitleriin verrattava fanaatikko.
Kirjan koko 145 x 215 mm
Osmo Jussila, The Tragedy of the Soviet Union: From Utopia to the Gulag Archipelago - (in Finnish)
Why did a wondrous utopia turn into horrendous tragedy and a realm of evil?
In this incisive and intelligent work, an accomplished historian reveals the causes for the collapse of the Soviet Union.
In the Soviet Utopia, work was supposed to free citizens from deprivation and workers from oppression. But the promised paradise was exposed as a hell that meant forced labour, tyranny, and bullets in the back of the neck for millions.
The old class system was replaced by a new one.
Was the utopia impossible? Who was behind everything? In his chilling analysis, Professor Osmo Jussila proposes that the greatest culprit was V.I. Lenin, a skilled agitator and demagogue but almost utterly inept as the architect of a new society - and a fanatic on the same scale as Hitler.
Emeritus professor of political history Osmo Jussila (b. 1938) is an internationally recognised researcher and a nonfiction author specialising in Finno-Russian and Finno-Soviet relations.
Osmo Jussila, The Tragedy of the Soviet Union: From Utopia to the Gulag Archipelago - (in Finnish)
Why did a wondrous utopia turn into horrendous tragedy and a realm of evil?
In this incisive and intelligent work, an accomplished historian reveals the causes for the collapse of the Soviet Union.
In the Soviet Utopia, work was supposed to free citizens from deprivation and workers from oppression. But the promised paradise was exposed as a hell that meant forced labour, tyranny, and bullets in the back of the neck for millions.
The old class system was replaced by a new one.
Was the utopia impossible? Who was behind everything? In his chilling analysis, Professor Osmo Jussila proposes that the greatest culprit was V.I. Lenin, a skilled agitator and demagogue but almost utterly inept as the architect of a new society - and a fanatic on the same scale as Hitler.
Emeritus professor of political history Osmo Jussila (b. 1938) is an internationally recognised researcher and a nonfiction author specialising in Finno-Russian and Finno-Soviet relations.