Read how Finland was built. Led by architect Harri Hautajärvi, experts in architecture and construction guide the reader through the history of independent Finland. This diverse nonfiction book, with its rich range of illustrations and photographs, provides a viewpoint into the past and the future. It explains how society and construction have influenced each other since the 19th century. The book brings together the history of architecture, construction and infrastructure and the development of Finland as a nation in a unique way. Learn how buildings tell the stories of their time and find out about the people behind them.
Silja Kudel
Anja Kervanto-Nevanlinna
Rakennusurakka Suomi: runsaan sadan vuoden työ takana, mitä siitä näkyy tässä ajassa? Kirja on ainutlaatuinen esitys rakennetun ympäristömme vaiheista 1800-luvulta 2000-luvulle. Monipuolinen, runsaasti kuvitettu yleistietokirja tuo esiin myös ihmiset rakennetun ympäristön vaikuttajina: rakennuttajat, jotka tekevät päätökset, rakentajat, jotka tekevät työn ja rakennusten käyttäjät, jotka asuvat, työskentelevät, saavat hoitoa, huvittelevat ja elävät sen keskellä. Kirjassa on 15 pääartikkelia, joita täydentää yhdestä kahteen syventävää erikoisartikkelia. Arkkitehti Harri Hautajärven johdolla asiantuntevat kirjoittajat kuljettavat lukijaa halki itsenäisen Suomen historian.
Silja Kudel
Anja Kervanto-Nevanlinna
Read how Finland was built. Led by architect Harri Hautajärvi, experts in architecture and construction guide the reader through the history of independent Finland. This diverse nonfiction book, with its rich range of illustrations and photographs, provides a viewpoint into the past and the future. It explains how society and construction have influenced each other since the 19th century. The book brings together the history of architecture, construction and infrastructure and the development of Finland as a nation in a unique way. Learn how buildings tell the stories of their time and find out about the people behind them.
Translated by
Silja Kudel
Anja Kervanto-Nevanlinna
Read how Finland was built. Led by architect Harri Hautajärvi, experts in architecture and construction guide the reader through the history of independent Finland. This diverse nonfiction book, with its rich range of illustrations and photographs, provides a viewpoint into the past and the future. It explains how society and construction have influenced each other since the 19th century. The book brings together the history of architecture, construction and infrastructure and the development of Finland as a nation in a unique way. Learn how buildings tell the stories of their time and find out about the people behind them.
Translated by
Silja Kudel
Anja Kervanto-Nevanlinna