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  4. Russkij jazyk bez pregrad. Russian made easy. Uchebnoe posobie. Rabochaja tetrad

Russkij jazyk bez pregrad. Russian made easy. Uchebnoe posobie. Rabochaja tetrad

Русский язык без преград. Russian made easy. Учебное пособие. Рабочая тетрадь
Russkij jazyk bez pregrad. Russian made easy. Uchebnoe posobie. Rabochaja tetrad
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1. The Russian alphabet. Pronunciation.
a) The pronunciation of y; g in the position between e and o; consonants before; b) stressed and unstressed vowels; v) voiced and voiceless consonants.
2. Division into syllables.
3. Affirmative and interrogative sentences.
4. The article in Russian.
5. Omission of verb corresponding to the English is, are in the present tense.
6. Interrogative sentences.
7. Negative sentences.
8. The possessive pronouns ego and eyo.
9. Gde? Where?+ location (tam, zdes).
10. Kto? Who?
11. U menya est I have, u vas est you have.
12. Cardinal numerals (1-10).
13. rubl, -ya, -ej.
Vocabulary reference list.1. Semya / Family. 3. Gorod/ City. 4. Transport / Transport. 5. Bytovaya elektronika / Household electronics. 6. Goryachie i holodnye napitki / Hot and cold drinks. 7. Produkty / Food. 8. Ovoshi / Vegetables. 9. Myaso / Meat.10. Desert / Dessert.

1. Cardinal numerals (1 - 100).
2. Compound numbers.
3. The Nominative case (N. c.)
4. The masculine, feminine and neuter gender.
5. Personal pronouns, N. c.
6. The Prepositional (P. c.) /Locative case singular in -E.
7. P. c., preposition B in, into, at.
8. The preposition za for (expressing the price).
9. Oboznachenie vremeni po chasam /Telling thetime.
10. Use of the word est.
Vocabulary reference list. 1. Menyu v Makdonaldse / Menu at Mc Donald's. 2. Universitet / The university. 3. Gorod / City to be continued). 4. Uchebnye discipliny / Subjects
Verb. byt to be (future tense).

1. Cardinal numerals (100 - 1000).
2. Dolzhen, -a, -y
3. Sentences combined with the conjunctions a and i.
4. The Accusative case with the preposition v on (days of the week).
Vocabulary reference list. 1. Produkty / Food (continued). / 2. Dni nedeli / Days of the week. 3. Uchebnye discipliny / Subjects (continued).
Verb. byt to be (past tense).

1. The Prepositional (P. c.) / Locative case singular in -I.
2. The Prepositional case. The use of the prepositions B in, at and NA in, at.
Vocabulary reference list. 1. Professiya, status / Profession, status. 2. Kontinenty / Continents. 3. Strany mira / Countries of the world. 4. Uchebnoevremya / Class hours. 5. Chasti sveta / Points of the compass.
Verbs: 1. nahoditsya to be located 2. nazyvatsyato be called/named.

1. Plural forms.
2. The phrases u menya est /net etc.
3. Zanyat, -a, -o, -y to be busy, to be occupied
4. The Genitive case in negative sentences with the word net.
Vocabulary reference list. 1. Mesyac / Months of the year. 2. Svobodnoe vremya, prazdniki. / Free time, festive occasion. 3. Vremena goda. / The seasons of the year.
Verb. roditsya to be born (past tense).

1. The 1st Conjugation.
2. Meaning of the Russian past, present and future tenses.
Verb. rabotat (past, present future) to work; otdyhat to have vacation; zhit to live.

1. The Prepositional case, prepositions v and na (to be continued).
2. Object of the verb igrat.
Vocabulary reference list. Lyubimye zanyatiya/ Favorite pastime.
Verbs: delat to do; gulyat to walk; igratto play.

1. The Instrumental case (hard variant).
a) The preposition c denoting compatibility;
v) Speaking of one's job.
2. The preposition PO + Dative case (feminine nouns).
3. The interrogative pronoun kakoj?
Vocabulary reference list. 1. Status and profession (continued). 2. Food and drinks (continued).
Verbs: est to eat; pit to drink; znat to know.

The Prepositional and Instrumental cases (continued).
Verbs: zavtrakat to have breakfast; obedat to have lunch; uzhinat to have dinner.
1. Possessive pronouns (moj, tvoj, nash, vash, ego, eyo, ih).
2. The interrogative pronoun chej?
3. Irregular plural endings.
4. The demonstrative pronoun etot.
5. Personal pronouns in the Accusative case.
Verbs: zabyt to forget; skazat to say (past tense).

1. The 2nd Conjugation.
2. Reflexive verb.
Vocabulary reference list. . Chto my uchim? / What do we learn? 2. Gde my uchimsya? / Where do we study? 3. Fakultety / Departments 4. Specialisty / Specialists.
Verbs: govorit to speak; uchit to learn; uchitsya to study.

1. The preposition O / OB about + Prepositional case
2. The Instrumental case (soft variant).
3. Personal pronouns in the Prepositional case.
4. Ordinal numerals: Prepositional case, masculine gender.
6. Sequence of tense in the Future, the conjunction esli.
Verbs: dumat to think; ponimat - ponyat to understand; zanimatsya to occupy oneself with.

1. Spatial prepositions: ryadom s, mezhdu, nad, pod, za, pered + Instrumental case.
2. The Instrumental case in soft-sigh feminine nouns.
3. The adjective + Nominative case.
4. The Prepositional case in -U.
Vocabulary reference list. 1. Tovary shirokogopotrebleniya / Consumer goods. 2. Mebel / Furniture. 3. Komnata / Room. 4. Cvet / Color.
Verbs: viset to hang; lezhat to lie; sidet to sit; stoyat to stand.

1. The Prepositional case and Accusative case denoting direction.
2. Verbs of motion in Russian .
Verbs: hodit; idti, pojti to go.

1 Verbs of motion in Russian with the words hotet, moch, dolzhen, nado, nuzhno.
2. The Dative case:
a) The personal pronouns;
b) D. c. with the words: nado, nuzhno.
Verbs: hotet to want; moch can.

1. Accusative case as the direct object, masculine animate nouns.
2. The use of the Dative case in constructions denoting a person's age.
Vocabulary reference list. 1. Chto my uchim? / What do we learn? 2. Chto my smotrim? / What are we watching? 3. Kuda my smotrim? Na chto my smotrim? / Where are we looking? What are we looking at?
Verbs: 1) smotret to look to watch; slushat to listen; uchit to learn; izuchat to study. 2) uchit to learn, uchitsya to study, zanimatsya to occupy oneself with, izuchat to study.

Formation of the Aspects.
1. Principal meanings of the verb aspects.
2. Formation of the perfective by prefixation.
3. In infinitives.
4. In future and past tenses.
5. Formation of the imperative.
Vocabulary reference list. Chtenie / Reading.
Verbs: delat - sdelat to do; chitat - prochitat to read; pisat - napisat to write; smotret - posmotret to look;
slushat - poslushat to listen; uchit - vyuchit to learn;
zavtrakat - pozavtrakat to have breakfast;
obedat - poobedat to have lunch; uzhinat - pouzhinat to have dinner; pit - vypit to drink; est - suest to eat.

Formation of the Aspects. Internal Changes.
Verbs: sprashivat - sprosit to ask; otvechat - otvetit to answer, to reply; opazdyvat - opozdat to be late;
ustavat - ustat to be tired

LESSON 1, 2, 3...
1. Slovar / Dictionary
2. Svodnaya tablica okonchanij sushestvitelnyh i prilagatelnyh edinstvennogo chisla. /Declension of nouns and adjectives in the singular.
Книга "Russian made easy. Русский язык без преград" включает учебное пособие и рабочую тетрадь, содержащие материал элементарного уровня владения русским языком как иностранным (А1). В пособии представлены тексты монологического и диалогического характера, способствующие формированию у учащихся навыков и умений русской разговорной речи; содержатся различные виды коммуникативных заданий, позволяющие достичь желаемых практических результатов. Задания к упражнениям, грамматические комментарии и диалоги сопровождаются переводом на английский язык. В учебном пособии обобщены и систематизированы современные достижения лингводидактики, методики и накопленный опыт преподавания РКИ, а также предлагается особая нестандартная организация учебного материала, позволяющая в сжатые сроки усвоить лексический и грамматический материал и способствующая активизации речевой деятельности учащихся. Рабочая тетрадь содержит поурочные задания для самостоятельной работы дома и в аудитории.
Для англоязычных студентов, изучающих русский язык.

1. Интенсификация учебного процесса.
2. Создание минимума лексических и грамматических средств, обеспечивающих выполнение коммуникативных задач в продуктивных и рецептивных видах речевой деятельности.
3. Новый порядок изучения глаголов (предложены к обучению коммуникативно значимые глаголы, позволяющие преподавателю начать развернутую беседу со студентами уже на втором уроке).
4. Порядок изучения косвенных падежей построен с учетом коммуникативных потребностей учащихся, частотностью употребления падежей в речи, простоты понимания их грамматической формы и значения.
Практическая ценность данного комплекса заключается в том, что в нем обобщен и систематизирован накопленный многолетний опыт преподавания РКИ в РУДН (1987-2019гг.). Результаты многолетней работы продемонстрировали эффективность предложенного метода, обеспечивающего формирование системных знаний о русском языке, имеющих коммуникативное значение.
Kniga "Russian made easy. Russkij jazyk bez pregrad" vkljuchaet uchebnoe posobie i rabochuju tetrad, soderzhaschie material elementarnogo urovnja vladenija russkim jazykom kak inostrannym (A1). V posobii predstavleny teksty monologicheskogo i dialogicheskogo kharaktera, sposobstvujuschie formirovaniju u uchaschikhsja navykov i umenij russkoj razgovornoj rechi; soderzhatsja razlichnye vidy kommunikativnykh zadanij, pozvoljajuschie dostich zhelaemykh prakticheskikh rezultatov. Zadanija k uprazhnenijam, grammaticheskie kommentarii i dialogi soprovozhdajutsja perevodom na anglijskij jazyk. V uchebnom posobii obobscheny i sistematizirovany sovremennye dostizhenija lingvodidaktiki, metodiki i nakoplennyj opyt prepodavanija RKI, a takzhe predlagaetsja osobaja nestandartnaja organizatsija uchebnogo materiala, pozvoljajuschaja v szhatye sroki usvoit leksicheskij i grammaticheskij material i sposobstvujuschaja aktivizatsii rechevoj dejatelnosti uchaschikhsja. Rabochaja tetrad soderzhit pourochnye zadanija dlja samostojatelnoj raboty doma i v auditorii.
Dlja anglojazychnykh studentov, izuchajuschikh russkij jazyk.

1. Intensifikatsija uchebnogo protsessa.
2. Sozdanie minimuma leksicheskikh i grammaticheskikh sredstv, obespechivajuschikh vypolnenie kommunikativnykh zadach v produktivnykh i retseptivnykh vidakh rechevoj dejatelnosti.
3. Novyj porjadok izuchenija glagolov (predlozheny k obucheniju kommunikativno znachimye glagoly, pozvoljajuschie prepodavatelju nachat razvernutuju besedu so studentami uzhe na vtorom uroke).
4. Porjadok izuchenija kosvennykh padezhej postroen s uchetom kommunikativnykh potrebnostej uchaschikhsja, chastotnostju upotreblenija padezhej v rechi, prostoty ponimanija ikh grammaticheskoj formy i znachenija.
Prakticheskaja tsennost dannogo kompleksa zakljuchaetsja v tom, chto v nem obobschen i sistematizirovan nakoplennyj mnogoletnij opyt prepodavanija RKI v RUDN (1987-2019gg.). Rezultaty mnogoletnej raboty prodemonstrirovali effektivnost predlozhennogo metoda, obespechivajuschego formirovanie sistemnykh znanij o russkom jazyke, imejuschikh kommunikativnoe znachenie.
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