"Учебный англо-русский математический словарь" предназначен для студентов, изучающих математику на английском языке. Словарь содержит около 1800 словарных статей и охватывает материал, относящийся к базовым математическим предметам: математическому анализу, линейной алгебре и линейному программированию, теории вероятностей и математической статистике. Математические термины снабжены транскрипциями и примерами употребления."A Student's English-Russian Mathematical Dictionary" is designed for Russian-speaking students who study mathematics in English. Including about 1800 lexical units, the dictionary covers the material pertaining to the basic mathematical courses of Calculus, Linear Algebra and Linear Programming, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. The mathematical terms are supplied with transcriptions and example phrases and sentences.
"Uchebnyj anglo-russkij matematicheskij slovar" prednaznachen dlja studentov, izuchajuschikh matematiku na anglijskom jazyke. Slovar soderzhit okolo 1800 slovarnykh statej i okhvatyvaet material, otnosjaschijsja k bazovym matematicheskim predmetam: matematicheskomu analizu, linejnoj algebre i linejnomu programmirovaniju, teorii verojatnostej i matematicheskoj statistike. Matematicheskie terminy snabzheny transkriptsijami i primerami upotreblenija."A Student's English-Russian Mathematical Dictionary" is designed for Russian-speaking students who study mathematics in English. Including about 1800 lexical units, the dictionary covers the material pertaining to the basic mathematical courses of Calculus, Linear Algebra and Linear Programming, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. The mathematical terms are supplied with transcriptions and example phrases and sentences.