Сборник научных статей представляет собой обобщение результа-тов научных исследований молодых ученых - студентов магистратуры и бакалавриата, аспирантов, научно-педагогических работников, специалистов, работающих в реальном секторе экономики, по результатам IV Международ-ного Конгресса молодых ученых по проблемам устойчивого развития. В данное издание вошли материалы, посвященные проблемам развития учета и аудита, туризма и спорта, управления человеческими ресурсами, а также рынков капитала.Материалы сборника рассчитаны на практических работников коммерческих и государственных организаций, а также научно- педагогических работников и студентов.Collection of scientific articles represents the generalization of the results of research master students and PhD students, researchers and teachers, professionals working in the real sector of the economy, according to the III International congress of young scientists. This edition includes materials on the development of accounting and auditing, tourism and sports, human resource management, and capital markets.The collection is designed for practitioners of commercial and government organizations, as well as academic staff and students.
Sbornik nauchnykh statej predstavljaet soboj obobschenie rezulta-tov nauchnykh issledovanij molodykh uchenykh - studentov magistratury i bakalavriata, aspirantov, nauchno-pedagogicheskikh rabotnikov, spetsialistov, rabotajuschikh v realnom sektore ekonomiki, po rezultatam IV Mezhdunarod-nogo Kongressa molodykh uchenykh po problemam ustojchivogo razvitija. V dannoe izdanie voshli materialy, posvjaschennye problemam razvitija ucheta i audita, turizma i sporta, upravlenija chelovecheskimi resursami, a takzhe rynkov kapitala.Materialy sbornika rasschitany na prakticheskikh rabotnikov kommercheskikh i gosudarstvennykh organizatsij, a takzhe nauchno- pedagogicheskikh rabotnikov i studentov.Collection of scientific articles represents the generalization of the results of research master students and PhD students, researchers and teachers, professionals working in the real sector of the economy, according to the III International congress of young scientists. This edition includes materials on the development of accounting and auditing, tourism and sports, human resource management, and capital markets.The collection is designed for practitioners of commercial and government organizations, as well as academic staff and students.