Training complex "Istoki2" is designed to teach the Russian language to children aged 11-13, who live outside Russia and know the basics of spoken Russian and some practical grammar.
The workbook is designed to reinforce the material presented in the textbook lessons. It can be used for both classroom and independent work of the student.
Учебник адресован иностранцам, овладевающим базовыми знаниями по русскому языку. Он рассчитан на 130-150 аудиторных часов и соответствует требованиям "Образовательной программы по русскому языку как иностранному"...
The textbook is a part of the educational complex "Origins". The complex is addressed to children 8-10 years old who know Russian language in the volume of colloquial and everyday vocabulary and practical...
Our time: the Russian manual for foreigners (First certificate level)
The present manual may be of interest for the foreign students with the basic level of Russian whose aim is to reach the first certificate...
Training complex "Istoki 2" is designed for teaching Russian language to children aged 11-13, who live outside Russia and know the basics of spoken Russian and some practical grammar. The textbook can...
Настоящий учебник является первым в серии "Наше время" и предназначен для иностранцев, приступающих к изучению русского языка. Он состоит из 10 уроков и рассчитан на 80 и более аудиторных часов. Материал,...