All exercises of Russian language are given in English.
The list of contents and the preface are in English.
Also, some comments and grammar rules are in English.
The textbook has a practical focus. A variety of exercises presented in the manual, is aimed at the comprehensive development of the students ' oral speech habits, as well as at the mastering of vocabulary...
Russian language. Short lexical-grammatical course for beginners (Incl. CD-MP3)
The textbook is written for those who begin learning Russian from the zero level. It may serve the basis for further studies...
Книга, с одной стороны, даёт представление об исторической смене подходов и методов в организации систем упражнений по обучению устной иноязычной речи, а с другой - предлагает авторскую систему упражнений...
Five stars: express course of Russian for the service branch.
The book is perfect for those who are involved in the service branch and want to acquire the elementary skills of the spoken Russian.
Russian in exercises: a work book with comments.
This book is designed for beginners. It contains exercises aimed at the development of the basic Russian grammar and vocabulary. The book falls into two...
This book is designed for beginners. It contains exercises aimed at the development of the basic Russian grammar and vocabulary. The book falls into two parts: an introductory vocabulary and grammar course...
Practical course of Russian for Service + CD
The present book is an elementary course of the Russian language for the staff of the hotels and restaurants. The goal of the book is to teach the service...
The words order in Russian: linguo-didactic aspect
The book is intended primarily for teachers of Russian. It will be useful as well for interpreters, journalists, researchers, graduate students, students-philologists.
Oppikirja on tarkoitettu venäjää opiskeleville ulkomaalaisille. Tarkoituksena on opiskelijoiden kieliopin vahvistaminen, puheen kehittäminen sekä arkielämään ja sosiaalitaitoihin liittyvän sanavaraston...
Russian Language course teaches basic reading, writing and speaking skills to beginners.
The textbook consists of five phonetic lessons for beginners and 20 lessons of a lexical and grammar course, both...