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  4. Favourite Melodies for Violin and Piano. Volume II. Piano score and part

Favourite Melodies for Violin and Piano. Volume II. Piano score and part

Любимые мелодии для скрипки и фортепиано. Вып. 2.
Favourite Melodies for Violin and Piano. Volume II. Piano score and part
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Arranged by G. I. Firtich
N. Rota. From the film "The Godfather"
M. Monnot. Hymne a l'amour
R. Pauls. Long Way Through the Sand-Hills. From the film of the same name
J. Kosma. Autumn Leaves
Waltz. To the Old Scottish Melody. From the film "Waterloo Bridge"
I. Shvartz. Music From the Film "Melodies of the White Night"
J. Tiersen. Waltz of Amelie. From the film "Атelie"
The "Compozitor Publishing House Sankt Petersburg" represents popular variety melodies arranged by the composer Svetlana Nesterova (born in 1976) - graduate of the Petersburgian conservatoire, where she studied also during the post-graduate education at the composition class of professor Boris Tishchenko. Her repertoire includes the opera "Grandfather" to V. Nabokov's play of the same name, ballet "Shadow" to Yevgeny Shwartz, violin and clarinet concertos, two piano sonatas, vocal cycles, so as the arrangements for orchestra and chamber casts.
Переложение Г. И. Фиртича
Н. Рота. Тема любви. Из кинофильма "Крестный отец"
М. Монно. Гимн любви
Р. Паулс. Долгая дорога в дюнах. Из одноименного телефильма
Ж. Косма. Осенние листья
Вальс горящих свечей. На тему старинной шотландской мелодии.
Из кинофильма "Мост Ватерлоо"
И. Шварц. Музыка из кинофильма "Мелодии белой ночи"
Я. Тирсен. Вальс Амели. Из кинофильма "Амели"
Perelozhenie G. I. Firticha
N. Rota. Tema ljubvi. Iz kinofilma "Krestnyj otets"
M. Monno. Gimn ljubvi
R. Pauls. Dolgaja doroga v djunakh. Iz odnoimennogo telefilma
Zh. Kosma. Osennie listja
Vals gorjaschikh svechej. Na temu starinnoj shotlandskoj melodii.
Iz kinofilma "Most Vaterloo"
I. Shvarts. Muzyka iz kinofilma "Melodii beloj nochi"
Ja. Tirsen. Vals Ameli. Iz kinofilma "Ameli"
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