Arutyunov D. Compositions of P.I.Tchaikovsky in an analysis of musical work course: Library for musician and educator
In his book the arts professor D.A.Arutyunov investigates questions of the theory of Tchaikovsky's musical form and analyzes features of the structure of his compositions and gives systematized examples of Tchaikovsky works. The author quotes the composer on forms, genres and expressive means of music. Designed for teachers and students of the course of analysis of music theory of composition and performance faculty of conservatories and colleges, and materials of the book can certainly be useful to a wide circle of musicians.
Arutyunov D. Compositions of P.I.Tchaikovsky in an analysis of musical work course: Library for musician and educator
In his book the arts professor D.A.Arutyunov investigates questions of the theory of Tchaikovsky's musical form and analyzes features of the structure of his compositions and gives systematized examples of Tchaikovsky works. The author quotes the composer on forms, genres and expressive means of music. Designed for teachers and students of the course of analysis of music theory of composition and performance faculty of conservatories and colleges, and materials of the book can certainly be useful to a wide circle of musicians.
В книге доктора искуствоведения, профессора Д.А.Арутюнова исследуются вопросы теории музыкальной формы Чайковского, выясняются особенности структуры его сочинений, систематизируются примеры из его произведений. Автор приводит высказывания композитора о формах, жанрах, выразительных средствах музыки. Предназначается преподавателям, а также студентам, изучающим курс анализа музыкальных произведений на теоретико-композиторских и исполнительских факультетах консерваторий и училищ; материалы книги могут быть несомненно полезны и широкому кругу музыкантов
V knige doktora iskustvovedenija, professora D.A.Arutjunova issledujutsja voprosy teorii muzykalnoj formy Chajkovskogo, vyjasnjajutsja osobennosti struktury ego sochinenij, sistematizirujutsja primery iz ego proizvedenij. Avtor privodit vyskazyvanija kompozitora o formakh, zhanrakh, vyrazitelnykh sredstvakh muzyki. Prednaznachaetsja prepodavateljam, a takzhe studentam, izuchajuschim kurs analiza muzykalnykh proizvedenij na teoretiko-kompozitorskikh i ispolnitelskikh fakultetakh konservatorij i uchilisch; materialy knigi mogut byt nesomnenno polezny i shirokomu krugu muzykantov