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  5. Requiem for soprano, mixed choir, winds, percussion, piano and six contrabasses. Piano score (+CD)

Requiem for soprano, mixed choir, winds, percussion, piano and six contrabasses. Piano score (+CD)

Реквием для сопрано, смешанного хора, духовых, ударных, фортепиано и шести контрабасов. Клавир. С аудиоприложением на CD
Requiem for soprano, mixed choir, winds, percussion, piano and six contrabasses. Piano score (+CD)
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Igor Stanislavovich Vorobyov (born 1965) - composer, musicologist, graduate of the Leningrad Choir College and the Leningrad Conservatoire, member of the Russia Composers' Union, Doctor of Arts, assistant professor.
Among his compositions there are the opera "Elizaveta Bam" after D. Harms, ballet "Don Juan", "Assol", Chamber symphony, Concerto for contrabass and orchestra, Concerto for piano and orchestra, Concertino for flute, three piano sonatas, cello and viola sonatas, string quartet, vocal cycles, Stabat Mater for soprano, mezzo-soprano, women's choir, flute, percussion, harp, piano, organ and contrabass, cantata "Corner of the Earth", Missa brevis, Magnificat, concertos and cycles for choir a cappella. Vorobyov's compositions were on roll all over Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Germany, Canada. South Karea.
Igor Vorobyov is the author of monographs "Russian Avant-garde and Alexander Mosolov's Creation of 1920-1930", books of essays "Russian Avant-garde Composers", album "Petersburg. Music. The 20th Century", collection "Russian Avant-garde. Manifests, Declarations, Programme Articles".


1. Requiem
2. Dies irae
3. Tuba mirum
4. Rex tremendae
5. Recordare
6. Confutatis
7. Lacrimosa
8. Domine Jesu
9. Hostias
10. Sanctus
11. Benedictus
12. Agnus Dei
Igor Stanislavovich Vorobyov (born 1965) - composer, musicologist, graduate of the Leningrad Choir College and the Leningrad Conservatoire, member of the Russia Composers' Union, Doctor of Arts, assistant professor.
Among his compositions there are the opera "Elizaveta Bam" after D. Harms, ballet "Don Juan", "Assol", Chamber symphony, Concerto for contrabass and orchestra, Concerto for piano and orchestra, Concertino for flute, three piano sonatas, cello and viola sonatas, string quartet, vocal cycles, Stabat Mater for soprano, mezzo-soprano, women's choir, flute, percussion, harp, piano, organ and contrabass, cantata "Corner of the Earth", Missa brevis, Magnificat, concertos and cycles for choir a cappella. Vorobyov's compositions were on roll all over Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Germany, Canada. South Karea.
Igor Vorobyov is the author of monographs "Russian Avant-garde and Alexander Mosolov's Creation of 1920-1930", books of essays "Russian Avant-garde Composers", album "Petersburg. Music. The 20th Century", collection "Russian Avant-garde. Manifests, Declarations, Programme Articles".


1. Requiem
2. Dies irae
3. Tuba mirum
4. Rex tremendae
5. Recordare
6. Confutatis
7. Lacrimosa
8. Domine Jesu
9. Hostias
10. Sanctus
11. Benedictus
12. Agnus Dei
Игорь Воробьев (р. 1965) - композитор, музыковед. Выпускник Ленинградского хорового училища и Ленинградской консерватории. Член Союза композиторов России, кандидат искусствоведения, доцент.
Среди сочинений И. Воробьева - опера "Елизавета Бам" по Д. Хармсу, балеты "Дон Гуан", "Ассоль", Камерная симфония, Концерт для контрабаса с оркестром, Концерт для фортепиано с оркестром, Концертино для флейты, три сонаты для фортепиано, виолончельные и альтовая сонаты, струнный квартет, вокальные циклы, Stabat Mater для со-прано, меццо-сопрано, женского хора, флейты, ударных, арфы, фортепиано, органа и контрабасов, кантата "Уголок земли", "Missa brevis", "Магнификат", концерты и циклы для хора a cappella. Произведения композитора исполнялись во многих городах России, а также в Эстонии, Латвии, Швеции, Финляндии, Польше, Германии, Канаде, Южной Корее.
Игорь Воробьев - автор монографии "Русский авангард и творчество Александра Мосолова 1920-30-х годов", книги очерков "Композиторы русского авангарда", альбома "Петербург. Музыка. XX век", сборника "Русский авангард. Манифесты, декларации, программные статьи".


1. Requiem
2. Dies irae
3. Tuba mirum
4. Rex tremendae
5. Recordare
6. Confutatis
7. Lacrimosa
8. Domine Jesu
9. Hostias
10. Sanctus
11. Benedictus
12. Agnus Dei
Igor Vorobev (r. 1965) - kompozitor, muzykoved. Vypusknik Leningradskogo khorovogo uchilischa i Leningradskoj konservatorii. Chlen Sojuza kompozitorov Rossii, kandidat iskusstvovedenija, dotsent.
Sredi sochinenij I. Vorobeva - opera "Elizaveta Bam" po D. Kharmsu, balety "Don Guan", "Assol", Kamernaja simfonija, Kontsert dlja kontrabasa s orkestrom, Kontsert dlja fortepiano s orkestrom, Kontsertino dlja flejty, tri sonaty dlja fortepiano, violonchelnye i altovaja sonaty, strunnyj kvartet, vokalnye tsikly, Stabat Mater dlja so-prano, metstso-soprano, zhenskogo khora, flejty, udarnykh, arfy, fortepiano, organa i kontrabasov, kantata "Ugolok zemli", "Missa brevis", "Magnifikat", kontserty i tsikly dlja khora a cappella. Proizvedenija kompozitora ispolnjalis vo mnogikh gorodakh Rossii, a takzhe v Estonii, Latvii, Shvetsii, Finljandii, Polshe, Germanii, Kanade, Juzhnoj Koree.
Igor Vorobev - avtor monografii "Russkij avangard i tvorchestvo Aleksandra Mosolova 1920-30-kh godov", knigi ocherkov "Kompozitory russkogo avangarda", alboma "Peterburg. Muzyka. XX vek", sbornika "Russkij avangard. Manifesty, deklaratsii, programmnye stati".


1. Requiem
2. Dies irae
3. Tuba mirum
4. Rex tremendae
5. Recordare
6. Confutatis
7. Lacrimosa
8. Domine Jesu
9. Hostias
10. Sanctus
11. Benedictus
12. Agnus Dei
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