This edition contains a piano cycle of (wo parts (1942), written by the 20th century outstanding Russian composer Nikolai Myaskovsky.
For students of musical colleges and conservatories.
The work was created in 1908 (revised in 1937) and is one of the most popular piano works by the outstanding Russian composer of the 20th century N. Ya. Myaskovsky.
The edition contains a cycle of piano miniatures (1938), written by the 20th century outstanding Russian composer Nikolai Myaskovsky and widely used in educational practice. For students of junior and...
Этот цикл разнохарактерных концертных пьес был создан Н. Мясковским в 1947 году. Давно не переиздававшийся, он пополнит фортепианный репертуар произведениями выдающегося русского композитора XX века Для...