It is a complex teaching, -and reading book from the set "Golden names of Russia" about the first cosmonaut Jury Gagarin. The texts of the book are based on the socio-cultural vocabulary. A short film...
Книга адресована 8 - 9-летним детям, проживающим за рубежом и владеющим русским языком в объеме разговорно-бытовой лексики и практической грамматики.
Книга также подойдет изучающим русский язык иностранцам,...
Russian with pleasure. Lotto game
This language game in the form of lotto is designed both children and adults who want to master the plain Russian and to learn to speak and understand the Russian language...
This short, beautiful work tells the story of the sincere love of an intellectual from the city and a young girl who lives in the forest. This book is about how fate cannot be changed.
The text has been...
Пособие представляет собой коммуникативный курс по развитию речи, в основу которого заложен принцип модульности. Этот принцип позволяет изучать темы в любом порядке и легко может быть адаптирован под любую...
Пособие представляет собой коммуникативный курс по развитию речи, в основу которого заложен принцип модульности. Этот принцип позволяет изучать темы в любом порядке и легко может быть адаптирован под любую...
GOLDEN NAMES OF RUSSIA: Vladimir Majakovskij
The textbook is devoted to the life and work of the famous XX century Russian writer Vladimir Majakovskij and consists of a book for reading and a educational...
Пособие представляет собой коммуникативный курс по развитию речи, в основу которого заложен принцип модульности. Этот принцип позволяет изучать темы в любом порядке и легко может быть адаптирован под любую...
Методическое пособие посвящено иносказаниям, косвенным фигурам речи, без которых не может обойтись ни один письменный или устный текст. Это иронические высказывания, эвфемизмы, уклончивые ответы, намеки.
Учебный комплекс адресован взрослой аудитории иностранцев, которые живут и работают в России и осваивают базовый уровень (А2) владения русским языком. Комплекс состоит из пяти книг. Это два словаря (лексико-грамматический...
This wonderful story takes place on a steam boat on the sea. A smart Irish setter called Mars accidentally falls overboard. He is about to drown when all the passengers and crew members come together and...
This book presents stories for children, written by Dimitrii Suslin. These, at times joyful and sad stories, follow the adventures of two young brothers and their friends. Readers learn about true friendship,...
This book of stories for children, written by Dimitrii Suslin, follows the exciting adventures of two young brothers as they learn to make friends and help a man, who finds himself in deep trouble.
Test practical book for Business Russian. Business. Trade. Intermediate level. (Russian as a foreign language).
The practical book contains sets of tasks for the foreign students who want to acquire knowledge...
A series about famous Russians and Russian geography with movies
We travel around Russia: Kazan
The textbook "Kazan" introduces students to the history, economy and culture of Kazan - one of the most...
Level: A2-B1
This Russian language manual is addressed to students of technical universities or of the...
УМК предназначен для обучения русскому языку детей-инофонов 6-8 лет. Обучение начинается с нулевого уровня.
Комплекс включает книгу для преподавателя, альбом учеников. Материал комплекса направлен на...
В книге представлен исторический обзор развития методики обучения РКИ. Каждая из девяти глав книги посвящена отдельному периоду развития методической мысли и содержит описание положения русского языка...
The book provides information about the tests on Russian as a foreign languages as well as information, comments and recommendations on the practical...
"Mikhail Lomonosov" is a unique teaching book in the series "The Golden Names of Russia". It acquaints foreign students with life and scientific activity of the great Russian scientist, philosopher and...
Russian names on the world map
The main purpose of this book - an entertaining talk about geographical discoveries of Russian explorers and scientists. The collection contains 24 texts accompanied by...
Учебное пособие содержит богатый и разнообразный материал о русской истории, культуре и традициях. Тексты в доступной познавательной форме рассказывают о том, как жили русские люди в старину, как был устроен...
Russian for foreigners. The set consists of book and DVD.
Attention! The supplementary DVD is free of region categorization. It can be watched with any standard European player (PAL syste...
100 Russian proverbs. Manual on the development of the Russian speech (in the form of lotto game).
The present manual is a proverb game to help the language learners to enrich their vocabulary. The book...
Автор популярных учебников и учебных пособий по английскому языку, известный педагог-психолог Т.Б. Клементьева, уделяет особое внимание в своей методике теме вопросов, постоянно вызывающей трудности у...
Учебное пособие адресовано студентам, магистрантам и аспирантам филологических факультетов, переводчикам и преподавателям русского и английского языков. Цель данной книги - провести детальное сопоставление...
ISBN 978-5-88337-221-5
Tsuesi and Minaco are visiting Moscow.
This teaching book could be of interest for the Japanese speaking students who visit Russia for...
Russian language: successful start - successful finish. Elementary and basic levels. Practical test book of Russian as a foreign language for school children.It's the first practical test book designed...
Attention! The supplementary DVD is free of region categorization. It can be watched with any standard European player (PAL system).
"Galina Ulanova" is the unique teaching book in the series "The Golden...
Basic elements of testing theory and practice. (on the material of Russian as a foreign language)
The present book outlines the general theoretical basics of the testing practice of Russian as a foreign...
James and Katherine are visiting Moscow.
This manual is designed for those who intend to visit Russia for the very first time or plan to study or to work here. The aim of this book is to help the newcomers...
Introduction into the theory of intercultural communication.The main purpose of this book is to help teachers working with foreign students to understand their mentality. It can also be very useful for...
What is a Russian test? Russian State testing system of Russian as a foreign language (ТРКИ-TORFL) .
For the last ten years In Russia there exists a unique testing system of Russian as a foreign language...
Ivitation to Russia. This is a Workbook. Part 2 (including CD)
Priglahenije v Rossiju: it's a series of text books and exercises:
There are two text books (+CD) and two exercise books (+CD). Each one...