Veniamin Yefimovich Basner (January 1, 1925, Yaroslavl - September 3, 1996, St.Petersburg) - the distinguished composer, People's Artist of Russia, recipient of the State Prize, whose creation has undoubtedly...
The "Compozitor Publishibg House * St. Petersburg" already used to publish the collections of four hands pieces for ensemble playing. These are favourite widely known compositions.
This time young...
Попурри "Волшебная страна" для фортепиано в 4 руки написано преподавателем Детской школы искусств No. 1 г. Мурманска Натальей Капитановой с большим вкусом, прекрасным чувством стиля, бережным отношением...
It was in 1997, when the "Compozitor Publishing House Sankt Petersburg" issued the first circulation of the educational aid "To Music with Joy" by O. Getalova and I. Viznaya. The book enjoyed the great...
Leonid Rezetdinov (*1961) is a recognizable composer, whose style is rather versatile. Among his opuses are three symphonies, ballets "Andrey Rublyov" and "Phantastic Dances of the Dolls", symphonic phantasias...
It was in 2001, when I completed the four hands piano Suite from Valery Gavrilin's TV ballet "Balzaminov's Marriage." Its fragments were first performed by the students of the St. Petersburg V. A. Gavrilin...
This is the symphony music of the 20th century to "make heaven drowsy with the harmony" (as Shakespeare once said about love in his Love's Labour' s Lost.)
It looks mostly expedient to instill symphony...
This is the symphony music of the 20th century to "make heaven drowsy with the harmony" (as Shakespeare once said about love in his Love's Labour' s Lost.)
It looks mostly expedient to instill symphony...
The composer Gennady Grigoryevich Belov (born in 1939) - is the graduate of the Petersburg Conservatoire, where his teachers were V. Salmanov and D. Shostakovich. Being the Petersburg Conservatoire professor...
Aron Solomonovich Bubelnikov (1911-1989), professor of the Leningrad (Petersburgian) Conservatoire, opera conductor, having brought up numerous young vocalists, devoted his spare time to piano - his true...
Nesmotrja na obilie izdajuschejsja segodnja notnoj literatury dlja fortepiannykh ansamblej, vopros podbora repertuara ostaetsja zlobodnevnym. Ne sekret, chto nyneshnie deti pod vlijaniem "zvuchaschej dejstvitelnosti"...
Franz Schubert (1797-1828) composed the cycle of eight variations for piano in four hands op. 10 in September, 1818 (published in 1822). The cycle is dedicated to Ludwig van Beethoven. There are no evidences...
"Живет, растет кикимора у кудесника в каменных горах... Зло на уме держит Кикимора на весь люд честной". Это слова из "Сказаний русского народа" И. П. Сахарова, предваряющие музыку. Знаменитая симфоническая...
1. J. S. Bach. Orkestrovaja sjuita No. 2.
2. J. S. Bach. Orkestrovaja sjuita No. 3.
3. Parafraz na temy Rossini iz uvertjury k opere "Sevilskij...
Yuri Kornakov, the acknowledged master, one of the leading Petersburgian composers, the pianist, the pedagogue. He is very famous among those, whose passion is music art. Kornakov works in different genres,...
Der Konig und sein Heer
Die Prinzessin
Der Konigsnarr
Der Folkstanz
Das Wiegenlied
Auf dem Ball
Wunderbare Verwandlung
Der Prinz und Hochzeitsfanfaren...
Arnold Nevolovich (rod. v 1953) - kompozitor, mnogo pishuschij dlja kamernykh instrumentalnykh sostavov, avtor simfonicheskoj, vokalnoj i khorovoj muzyki, a takzhe populjarnykh detskikh mjuziklov i pes.
Aron Solomonovich Bubelnikov (1911-1989), professor of the Leningrad (Petersburgian) Conservatoire, opera conductor, having brought up numerous young vocalists, devoted his spare time to piano - his true...
1. A Little Hare Is Walking
2. Down the Volga-River
3. Oh, Thou, Dark Night
4. From Behind the Woods
5. If I Go to the Rapid River
6. The Awakening Dawn
7. It's Not a Pea-hen
Герман Окунев (1931-1973) - ленинградский композитор, пианист, музыковед, ученик Б. Клюзнера, О. Евлахова, Д. Шостаковича, преподаватель Ленинградской консерватории. Среди его лучших произведений - Концерт...
Данный сборник представляет собой учебное пособие для развития навыков чтения с листа, предназначенное учащимся хоровых отделений музыкальных школ и училищ. В него включены пьесы преимущественно напевно-протяжного...
I was never closely acquainted with Valery Gavrilin. Once being teenagers we dwelled in the neighbouring cells of the Leningrad boarding school at the Conservatoire. Years passed since that when rather...
Фортепианные ансамбли - знакомство с национальной музыкой разных стран мира.
Вас ждет знакомство с тетрадью No.19 Учебного пособия ALLEGRO. В методических рекомендациях, как и в нотных приложениях к ним,...
This collection includes the compositions for piano in 4 hands by Russian authors. Each ensemble is based on the fairy tale. The first and second parts are equal by their complicacy in performance and...
The "Compozitor Publishibg House * St. Petersburg" already used to publish the collections of four hands pieces for ensemble playing. These are favourite widely known compositions.
This time young...
В последнее время возраждается интерес к ансамблевой музыке. В свет вышло множество разнообразных сборников. Однако большинство из них, к сожалению, мало востребованы, поскольку представляют собой просто...
The piece "Train in Four Hands" was composed by Evgeny Itskovich in 2004. The inner architectonics of the music language is cast by the impressions of Mozart's piano Fantasies and Beethoven's mature sonatas...
V nastojaschee posobie voshli fortepiannye ansambli zamechatelnykh avstrijskikh, nemetskikh, russkikh muzykantov-pedagogov XIX veka. Osobennost ikh v tom, chto ispolnenie partii uchenika osnovano na pjatipaltsevoj...
The composer, pianist and teacher Alexander Yuryevich Radvilovich (born in 1955) originates from St Petersburg. Having graduated from the Petersburg Conservatoire, where he studied composition at...
Sweet Dream
Sad Song
Lullaby During the Storm
Waltz (primo, secondo)
March from "Mazepa"
Waltz from Suite No. 3
Fragment of the...
"From all the life enjoyments the music gives in only to the love..." - "Again, but the music, what a nuisance!" However, there lies the precipice between these two exclamations. Those who listen and enjoy...